ThE WhImSicAl MiSAdVeNtuRes oF My TuToR ‘N  Me
By Kat
- To Japanese speakers. I apologize profusely. I don’t speak Japanese, I just translated stuff literally.
- People who like the Raiha and Fuuko couple, do not read. Repeat. Do. Not. Read. I will not be held responsible for any urges you have to go and kill me.
- Look. I am not good with battle scenes. You are going to have to  imagine * gratuitous scenes of violence*  yourself. I’ll try to cheat. Best I can do.
- This takes place after my first fic.,  “ The Whimsical Misadventures of My Tutor ‘ N Me “

So here goes:

Fuuko Kirisawa was stuck in a perilous situation. Never before had she faced anything as deadly . THEY were hot on her trail. She tried to slow down  her heart from pounding too loudly with fear. She had to get away from this place before THEY found her. Fuuko prayed fervently that THEY would not see her hiding place. She had no choice but to hide from their cruelty . She was breaking out into a nervous sweat. Her hands were cold and clammy... THEY were more vicious than all the other opponents she had met before. THEY were the reason why she was quaking in her shoes.

“ Are you sure this is the place Fuuko is working in, Domon? I don’t see her anywhere…And besides, this doesn’t look like a very nice establishment that Fuuko would work in… ”

Yanagi tried hard not to stare at a waitress who was wearing clothes meant for an eight year old.

“ Where is that new trainee?! There’s a table that needs cleaning ! “
 The manager of “ Cute? Honey Pies: Va Va Voom “ yelled at his subordinates to find the new girl they just hired.

“ Someone in school said they saw Fuuko serving drinks and waiting on tables here. Maybe they made a mistake “ .Domon searched around for any sign of his rose- haired friend, letting his eyes take little pit stops of other scantily clad women.

“ Hey! Don’t look at her like that, you little pervert! “ Recca blocked Kaoru’s eyes from the waitress in front of them.

 Fuuko held her breath. Just a few more moments and then they would leave and she could get back to work.

“  Fuuko. There you are “.    Mikagami caught sight of her trying to hide when he entered in with Recca and the others. He only came along because Yanagi had asked him. And partly out of curiosity ( which he would never admit ), to see what Fuuko was up to after school now that she attended her regular classes and he didn’t have to tutor her anymore.

She froze in place. Her heart lodged in her throat. Recca squinted his eyes to check if it really was her behind the cashier’s table.

“ What are you doing behind there? “
She gulped and stood up slowly. There was no more using in hiding. She tried to pull down her nasty little mini skirt that was WAY too short for even her standards, in the futile attempt to cover up whatever was  not already exposed. All eyes turned to look at her.

Recca burst out laughing.

“ Thanks for nothing “. Fuuko grumbled for the umpteenth time to her friends as they all walked home.

“ We’re sorry Fuuko. We didn’t know we would get you fired….” Yanagi really felt bad  that Fuuko lost her job because of them. “ But it wasn’t a very nice place for you to be working in anyway… “ She wanted to make Fuuko see the good side of things. Then she covered her mouth and had to stifle a giggle.

“ Yeah... mmpfh.. real sorry… “. Recca tried to stop from laughing again. But he couldn’t help it! Fuuko looked so different from what he usually saw her as!

Domon was about to say something about how nice the outfit fitted her, but then he too exploded in laughter. The sweet and innocent look didn’ t suit her. That ribbon in her hair! The light pink heart print on the dress! It was too much ! His girlfriend, Kanojo, elbowed him in the ribs, giving an apologetic smile to a sullen Fuuko.

“ Um... you really did look cute Aunt Fuuko “ Kaoru meant it sincerely . But he leered. It did not help at all.

“ Nothing from you Mikagami? “ Fuuko said sourly.

Tokiya looked a little startled at the attention being focused on him. What was he supposed to say? How the waitress costume hugged her lithe body in all the right places, even with the overload of lace and ribbons? Or maybe how the shortness of her skirt was lesser than necessary to show off her long coltish legs? Yes, that was what he should say… if he was ever in a good masochistic mood. A scowl formed on his face for even noticing such things. He had already seen her practically naked once, when she was fighting Recca and got taken over by the madogou of madness. And she was down to her underwear in her fight with Fuujimaru. So what was his problem with seeing her in that too tight get-  up ? It was better to remain silent and not get into trouble. He managed to answer  “ No “ with a straight face.

“ Huh. How did you guys find me anyway? I made sure none of you knew where I was to avoid this. “

Fuuko looked over her shoulder to her friends. They were still laughing. Even louder this time. It took all the willpower she could muster to not strangle each and every one of them.


 Jerks! Creeps! She was still fuming by the time she got home. Just when she started working there last week, they had to show up and get her fired. Did they have any idea how hard it was for her to wear that stupid waitress costume and try not to beat the daylights out of each guy that hit on her? But ah, that’s what friends are for. She couldn’t help feeling just a bit happy. They were concerned enough to check up on her.

 Fuuko lifted the doormat to get her house key placed under it. She locked the door once inside and went to the living room. Her father was snoozing on the sofa. A few empty bottles of whiskey were carelessly strewn on the floor and a photo frame was placed face down on his belly. Every year it was the same.

“ Iz‘ zat you, Pfu-ko ? “

“ Yeah dad. It’s me. “

“ You go sleep,’ n ‘ crose rlites ‘n’ mrffl .. rrflp…brrap “

The rest got absorbed by the pillow he was talking into to. Fuuko carefully picked up the photo frame lying on his stomach.

“ Yeah dad. I will “.

 Her beautiful mother. Fuuko traced the long black hair with her finger and stared into the eyes of ocean blue twinkling with laughter. Tomorrow would be her 7th death anniversary. And the day her brother mysteriously disappeared.  Dad would always get ahead of himself and start to drink until he  passed out . It brought back too many bad memories for him. The sentimental old goat… It was hard for her too… why didn’t he see that?! Clutching the photo to her chest, she sank down to the floor slowly and quietly rocked herself to sleep.

Ahhhh.. there was nothing like the brisk  morning air to calm her down. Fuuko sat on the rooftop with her feet dangling over the edge. This was her favorite place in to sit . She even etched her name on the brick. It was a fine morning and school would not start for at least another hour or so. She thought it would be nice to get to school early and enjoy the breeze there for once. Eh? Someone else was here. She just heard a cough.

 Getting up and brushing off any dust left on her skirt, Fuuko walked to the other side of the rooftop towards the coughing sound she just heard. It was the familiar figure of Mikagami hunched over reading a book. He looked too engrossed that he didn’t seem to acknowledge her presence. A mischievous grin played on the corners of her lips. Just what the doctor ordered. A healthy dose of bothering someone would surely get rid of any depression. Slowly she crept… careful... silent… stealthy…

“ Don’t even think about it “.

Tokiya had already seen her before entering the roofdeck. She seemed to be deep in thought and he decided not to disturb her. Apparently, she was not so courteous.

“ What’cha got there Tokiya ? “.

Fuuko stood opposite him and lowered the book from his face. Tokiya was not very happy at having his sight of reading material be replaced by her curious gaze.

“ It’s a book you’ll have to read when you get my class next year “.  He tried to get back to reading. She lowered the book again.

“ You always come to school this early? “

“ Yes. Now leave me alone. “

“We-heeell. Aren’t we snippy this morning “. Fuuko still stood near him but not near enough to invade      ( what she considered would be ) his personal space. Tokiya sighed and closed his book.

“ Did you want something? “

“ Nope. Nothing. Can’t I stay with a good buddy for awhile? ” .

Mikagami looked at her face closely. Something was wrong with her eyes. There were eye bags underneath… Her face looked like hell!

“ What happened to you ?”

“ Uhhh..nothing. Why? “

 She just lied! Now he knew something was wrong. He regarded her with even closer suspicion. Fuuko figured it was her cue to exit before he started asking more questions.

“ Well seeing how you don’t want to be bothered… I’lljustleavenowandseeyoulater, bye! “

She said the last sentence very fast before he could get a word in.


“ Have you seen Fuuko around? “ Mikagami caught sight of Recca and the others before they entered school.

“ No. We checked her apartment but no one was answering “ Yanagi was worried. This was the first time Fuuko was not there. They usually had to drag her out of bed every morning. Yanagi hoped this didn’t have anything to do with Fuuko losing her job.

“ Hmm.. isn’t it usually this time of year that Fuuko acts all weird for a day ? “ Recca directed the question at Domon. They both knew Fuuko for the longest out of anyone else.

“ Hey yeah. Maybe it’s that ‘ time of the month ‘ again? “

“ If that were true, then Fuuko would be acting weird every once a month, not once a year! “ Kanojo rolled her eyes up at Domon’s ‘ keen ‘ observation.

“ Ha ha! No, but… if I remember right, today’s her mom’s death anniversary… She always looks like she hasn’t slept a wink and her dad doesn’t come to school either…. and now that I think of it… every time you try to ask her to talk about it , she’ll just laugh it off and change the subject … “

Recca knitted his eyebrows together. Yea, there was something fishy going on…and Mikagami was interested…. Recca inched closer to Tokiya, one eye slanting with suspicion.

“ Why you worried Mikagami? Could it’re over your sister, and are looking at brighter prospects? “

Tokiya tightened his lips into a thin line. “ Don’t be stupid Hanabishi. My sister is the only female I will ever care about. “

“ Yeah, but… bet your sister never had knockers as big as Fuuko’s ! “

 “ Yeah, you can say that again Recca! For a butch chick, she sure has nice …” Domon stopped abruptly after seeing the dagger looks Kanojo was giving him. Ohhhh…If looks could kill….

“ Humpff. I can see where this conversation is going and I want to have no part of it! “ Kanojo stalked off.

Domon shuffled after her. “ Aw c’mon baby! I didn’t mean it that way! Size doesn’t matter! It’s not like your’s aren’t.. no, not that I look…. “

Recca sniggered at how pathetic Domon looked.

“ Pfugh. I can see that I am going to get no help from you “. Tokiya walked away completely disgusted, dissolving all thoughts of concern for Fuuko’s well being every step he took.

“ Gosh big brother Recca. I never knew you were THIS big a jerk… “

Koganei hitched his school bag over his shoulders and ran off to his school before Recca could get ahold of him.

Recca shrugged. “ Guess it’s just you and me,  ‘ hime ‘ “

He turned around to face an upset Yanagi.

“ Recca… I thought you called yourself Fuuko’s friend. How come you never did anything before even when you knew she was in bad shape?  “.

Yanagi was disappointed at Recca’s insensitivity. She proceeded ahead into the school building leaving her poor ninja-protector all alone.


 Hey mom. Sorry. It looks like I couldn’t get enough money this year… I wanted it so bad for you….I’m sorry.. I’ll get it next year. I promise!

Fuuko brought a bouquet of fresh roses to her mother’s grave. What’s this? Weird. Someone else brought flowers. Lilies. Recently it seems…Maybe dad visited?  But  he never did. Ah! There’s something behind the bouquet of lilies. A piece of paper? No, a photograph… Of mom? And dad? Who? …. Who’s the kid on mom’s lap? He looks familiar. Is that my brother when he was younger? Who the hell put this picture here?! Is this some kind of sick joke?!

She stood up quickly and searched the area for any sign of the person who left it. The only response she got was the delicate sighing of the wind.


They’re not big…

What am I talking about ?!.. That essay is due tomorrow!

Well, maybe that waitressing  outfit she wore made it seem bigger..

I have an essay tomorrow that I really must finish! I have no time to waste on thinking of…

But they were always the same size whenever she wore anything else… Not to mention the rest of her…

Oh God,   why am I thinking of this?!

For the past 5 minutes Tokiya Mikagami had been debating with himself over Fuuko’s cleavage and his essay assignment. ‘ Damn Hanabishi for tainting my mind like this!’ He thought. And he let Recca get away with insulting his sister! Mikagami knew for sure that there really was something wrong with him. It must have been something he ate…


 The photograph was old. It was taken three years before she was born. Her mother held a  black haired boy with gray blue eyes. They looked so much alike. There was not doubt that they were mother and son. Her father was beside them, arm around his wife, dazzling smile on his face. Fuuko needed to know. What happened to her brother? Who put this picture at her mom’s grave? Was it him? Did her father know where his son was ? Dammit! She needed answers!

And she had to wait for them because her father was too drunk and just passed out on his bed.


 She let the winds play with her hair. Knots and tangled strands were the last thing on her mind. Fuuko gazed moodily at the scene before her. It was actually very breath- taking up on the rooftop of school. Cherry blossoms fell lightly from the trees and flew around without a care… How she wished she could be like that.

But she wasn’t. Her knees were drawn to her chest and her arms were wrapped around them. She sunk her chin deeper into her arms. Fall was approaching. It was her favorite season. She should be more happy. It wasn’t like her to get all depressed… her dad never told her anything yet. She didn’t want to ask. Maybe today she would. But what was wrong with her? So what if she found out her brother was still alive? Wouldn’t it be great? She’d have a someone to be with at home! They could have normal sibling rivalry…help each other with homework… Ganko would have an older brother too!

No, she was only fooling herself into thinking that. And she knew it . It was not really the fact of having a brother that made her gloomy. It was the probability that she knew who he was and what would happen once she found out. That was what  made her so depressed.

“ Class starts soon. “

Fuuko looked up to see Mikagami standing in front of her.

“ ‘Ey Tokiya. Don’t worry ‘bout me. I’ll haul my lazy butt to class soon “. She attempted a smile and failed. Miserably.

Tokiya knew it was serious. “ You look even worse than yesterday “.

Fuuko’s “smile “ froze in place. Trust Mikagami to always come up with ways to make her feel better.

“ Do you need to talk to someone? “

Was he offering to listen? Guess  he wasn’t so bad after-

“ Because I could go get Yanagi to come up here “.

Fuuko searched his face for any sign that he was joking. There wasn’t a change at all. She answered “ No” in a very strained voice.

Tokiya really did not want to stay any longer. He didn’t know what to do. But he couldn’t just leave her. She was a friend. And besides, Recca and the others were just down the stairs. They saw Fuuko in low spirits and Tokiya unfortunately passed by. They grabbed him just as he was about to head to class and told him to go cheer Fuuko up. Otherwise… Even a guy like Tokiya had to shiver at the tortures in store for him if he did not make Fuuko feel better.

“ Is this about money ? You’ve been trying to raise money ever since we got back from the  Uroubatousatoujin “.

“ No… well.. at first it was , but it doesn’t matter much anymore though…”

“ Explain that. For the past two days you haven’t been acting like yourself. It has something to do with your mother’s death anniversary’s, doesn’t it? “.

 “ I’m just exaggerating my troubles… Ah, it’s nothing. C’mon, the bell’s going to ring “.

“ Let it. This is more important “.

“ Hey, don’t worry about it! Now c’mon! Bell! Ring! Now! Let’s go! “

Tokiya was just about to give her a lecture on how she should stop changing the subject when he heard a growl. From Fuuko’s direction. He narrowed his eyes.

“ When was the last time you ate ? “

“ uhh.. a while ago…”

She was lying again!!! Mikagami blocked the doorway leading downstairs.

“ You haven’t eaten for the past two days, have you? “

She looked at him sheepishly. Mikagami folded his arms across his chest.

“ We are going to eat. Right now “.

 “ And skip school? “

“ Yes “.

 “ You? Skip? “

Tokiya shrugged.“ I figure it’s due to me. I’m hardly ever absent anyway “.


 So here they were again. Eating together. But this time it was a nice diner, not some cheap Ramen House that could be found in the shady part of town.

“ Wow Tokiya. My first date with you! “ Fuuko teased Mikagami, but she inwardly hoped that no one saw her with him. People might misinterpret it as exactly that. A date. She did have a  reputation as a tomboy to keep after all.

Mikagami said nothing but kept his scrutinizing gaze on her. He was doing that for the past 10 minutes. Fuuko put the spoon back in  her ice cream glass.

“ All right. I’ll tell you…”

“ Finally “.He was getting tired of looking at her and for a minute there thought his intimidating act was not working.

“ Mmm… Do you want some of this ice cream Tokiya ? It’s really good…” She offered it to him in the most convincing tone she knew.

‘ Ugh, and get germs? ‘ He shrank back despite himself. “ No thanks. Quit stalling and tell me “.

Fuuko inhaled deeply. “ The reason why I wanted the money… is to get this necklace for my mother “.

“ Yes I know. You told me that before “.

“ Ya, well… and you thought I was lying. I wasn’t “ Fuuko wet her lips from getting too dry. “ Before my mom died…I promised her I’d get her this necklace we saw at a shop one day. It was real pretty… It was a  diamond pendant shaped in a flower pattern, and a pure gold chain laden with some tiny studs, and it came in this nice box that had a really nice picture of the store, and… “

Mikagami tapped his finger on the table to signify his boredom. “ Why the sudden desire to get it now? “

“ Um.. well… you see…” she cleared her throat. “ Out of guilt really “.

“ Guilt? “

“ Guilt. “ She turned to stare out the diner’s window. “ During my mom’s funeral…I never cried. Not once. Even when I found out she was dead. Even as they were shoveling dirt on top her coffin and burying her. Or even as they were saying her last rites. I knew her for nine years. She took care of me and loved me… and all I felt was numb when she passed away “.

Tokiya remained silent. Fuuko’s eyes were glazed over.

“ But in the Uroubatousatoujin, when I thought Domon  had died… my heart hurt so much that I thought it would be better to rip it out. That was the first time I did cry over someone…I didn’t cry over the woman who was my mother. I cried over what I thought was the loss of a dear friend, and that realization…was what drove me to try to make things up to her….”

She looked over at Mikagami. His face was still the same. Fuuko put her spoon back into the cup.

“ Ha ha.. I know… buying that necklace won’t do anything but… I just thought that maybe if I got it in time for her death anniversary.. oh I don’t know what I was thinking…It’s not like she can use it or anything… “

“ How much more do you need ? “

“ What? “ Fuuko looked up from fiddling with her ice cream. Did she just hear…?

“ You heard right. How much more do you need ? “ Mikagami really didn’t know why he was saying it. His money was precious. It shouldn’t be squandered. His reason though was that he knew Fuuko would pay back a loan, so…
Fuuko beckoned him to come closer and whispered in his ear.

Tokiya rarely ever changed expression. But he sure did now. She just told him an amount that could rival China’s population!

“ Are you out of your mind?! “

Fuuko stuck her tongue out at him and laughed. “ I was just kidding! I wanted to see the how you would react! That’s all! “
“ Well you got my attention. How much is it really? “

She filled her spoon with some ice cream “ Not much. I almost have enough. Just a few hundred, and I can go buy it “.

“ Is that a fact? “

“ Yup, sure is! “ To emphasize her point, she waved her spoon at him. Ice cream splattered all over his face.

Tokiya regretted ever knowing her.


Domon hoped Tokiya was doing okay with Fuuko. The strongest member ( physically speaking ) and most sensitive of the Hokage Team first offered to be the one to talk to her since he knew her better than anyone else. But Mikagami passed by and then they all decided that he should be the one instead. Recca argued that Kanojo would be jealous, which she wouldn’t be because she was right there and even told Domon to be the one to talk to Fuuko. But they were all trying to get Tokiya and Fuuko together. Which would be nice, but if he knew Fuuko… she would not be pleased at being set up. Tokiya wouldn’t be either. The last thing anyone wanted was people meddling in their love lives.

Domon should know. Fuuko did it to him. But it all turned out for the best. He had to admit, Kanojo was a cool girlfriend. He was getting to feel more at ease around her. She couldn’t fight, but she had a good pair of lungs to order him around with.. Whenever he expressed his feelings to Fuuko, she would always hit him or think he was joking. Regardless of what anyone thought, it hurt a little when Fuuko thought he never meant anything. Then again, maybe he knew in his heart that there was something missing and didn’t mind most of the time. He wasn’t in love with her. He confused respect and friendship for it. He knew that now. And he wasn’t in love with Kanojo either. Maybe with time he would be. But the important thing was that Kanojo liked him. It didn’t really matter who he loved, but more on the fact that someone loved him.

Domon was starting to get a little worried. Fuuko hadn’t shown up for class yet. And Tokiya didn’t seem to be the sensitive type. Or maybe Tokiya was a bit too sensitive? The guy did carry a huge weight on his shoulders, wanting to get revenge for his sister and all, taking on a personal vendetta. Domon knew that, somehow, maybe Fuuko could help ease the pain Mikagami must be feeling. In any case, he hoped that she would be happy, either single or with another. After all, she was the reason for him being with Kanojo.

Ouch. He was getting a headache. He should concentrate on class. Now let’s see. The capital of the United States is…a) Lexington b) Washington c) Alberqurque. D) none of the above. Hmmmm… a toughie.


“ Ack! I ‘m sorry! Lemme wipe it off! “ Fuuko was leaning towards Tokiya who was sitting opposite her in one of the diner booths. She was trying to get the ice cream off his face by cleaning it with some napkins. But the guy wouldn’t stay still enough for her to scrub it off.

“ No, it’ s fine . I can do it myself “. He snatched the napkin from her hand and wiped off the sticky substance.

“ I’m really sorry about that Tokiya… “ Fuuko apologized again. But part of her found it pretty funny. Mikagami never changed expression even when the ice cream hit him. All that ice cream going to waste…Too bad she couldn’t lick all of it off his face. What… What kind of thought was that?! Blushing hotly, she picked up her spoon and zeroed in on finishing her dessert.

  She must really be embarrassed about throwing that ice cream around. She’s blushing. Tokiya wiped off the remaining splotches and crumpled the napkin in his hand. Fuuko was eating with obvious gusto. She was probably  very hungry… Who wouldn’t be for two whole days. Her lips were stained a darker shade of scarlet  from the cherry she just nibbled on. His eyes had absent mindedly stumbled upon them. The fruit brought out the playful curves of her mouth that were constantly upturned in whatever mischief was on her mind. Looking so soft…so warm and so terribly tempting.… He  should really get going now !

“ Are you almost done Fuuko? “

“ Uhh.. yeah.. just about – “

“ Then let’s go “. He left some money on the table and stood up.

She caught up with him outside the diner. “ Hey Tokiya… “

“ What? “  His job was done! He found out why she was depressed and cheered her up. Case closed! What more could he do?
 She shifted around in unaccustomed shyness. “ I just wanted to thank you... For everything… ya… um… “.

He stopped dead on his tracks, a frown fast approaching his face. She just gave him the sweetest smile he had ever seen.


“ Dad? “

Fuuko reached home just in time for dinner. The lights were on and her father was reading the newspaper on his favorite La-Z Boy™ recliner. His back was turned to her.

“ Dinner’s on the table, hon. “

“ I’m not very hungry right now… “

“ You sure, hon? All right, put it in the fridge “. He turned a page of the newspaper.

“ Dad… could I talk to you for a sec? “

“ Sure. What’s the problem? “ Moesama Kirisawa put down the paper. She sounded serious. He would listen to her patiently. But if it was about that Mikagami fellow that everyone was talking about, and that guy hurt his daughter…

Fuuko walked around the chair to look straight into his eyes. “ I went to visit mom’s grave “.

“ Oh that’s nice. Did you tell her I said hi ? “

“ Dad. Someone left flowers there “.

“ Well it wasn’t me…Maybe one of her friends ? “

“ Dad. How come we never have any pictures of my brother? “

Moesama’s face darkened. “ I told you. He was sent to boarding school and we just never took any pictures of him. “

“ Not even during holidays when he came to visit, or before that? “

“ Fuuko, you don’t need to know this... “

“ Yes I do!!  Look at this! “ She produced the picture from one of her pockets and showed it to her father.

His eyes clouded over. “ Where did you get this?! “

“ Take a wild guess who left it at mom’s grave “.

Fuuko clenched her hands and apologized mentally for causing her father any unnecessary pain. But she needed to know.

Moesama sighed. “ Yes, this was your mother. And me. And that is your elder brother “.

“ What’s his name? You never told me “.

His eyes pleaded with her. “  Fuuko.. don’t make me.. maybe when you’re older..“

“ Stop using that excuse! I need to know! Daddy…please…What is his name? ”

Moesama closed his eyes. All those years… He should know by now that the past would catch up eventually… “ Raiha. Your brother’s name is Raiha “.

Fuuko’s legs wobbled and she had to take a seat. So it was as she suspected…She would have to fight her own brother…“ Why… “

Moesama shoulders sagged in his chair. “ When you were 4 years old, your mother and I sent Raiha to boarding school. We thought if for the best. The school was one of the most prestigious and we thought it would be good for him. The only holidays were for summer and winter. But he never wanted to come home. We asked him once and he said that the sooner he finished, the sooner he would be able to pay us back… Yes, he was that thoughtful at that young age. That’s why you never saw him and don’t remember him. We never talked about him much in front of you, just that you had a kind and smart brother “

Moesama stood up and walked to the fireplace. “ When my wife… your mother died, he was so heartbroken. He loved her so much… He ran away. I looked all over. I neglected the company that I inherited and depleted all my resources to find him. But I don’t know what’s become of him ever since.”

Moesama opened a hallow brick and took out a box of old pictures. “ Here Fuuko. These are all the pictures I kept, as a reminder of my failures. These are the ones of Raiha. I thought that by keeping them away, you and I would only have to remember the loss of one family member, instead of two. Forgive me…”

The figure of her father covering his head in his hands was enough to make the stout hearted Fuuko go teary eyed. She threw her arms around him and hugged her father for all he was worth.

“ You don’t need to apologize. I love you very much! And I don’t think you failed in anything! “ She wiped her eyes and picked the box up. “ I mean, look at me ! I came out all right didn’t I? “

No answer.

 “ Daaaad! “

Moesama smiled gratefully and held his daughter close to him.


“ This was Raiha’s first birthday.. and here he is holding you when you were born…and that’s the one when he first went to boarding school and that was the last one we ever took of him “

Moesama pointed the pictures out to Fuuko. His heart ached every time he paused to remember those times, but after awhile the pain lessened and he even looked back at those memories fondly.

“ And what’s this? “ Fuuko pointed a picture of her mom and someone together. She only recognized her mother. Who was the other guy with her? Wait… that nose and chin…dad?! That was her father when he was younger ?! Fuuko laughed and inspected the picture closer. Her father smiled bashfully.

“ Yes, that’s me. In my, ahem, heydays.. “

“ Dad, what’s that say underneath you? I see mom’s name, Hane, under her, but your’s says ‘ Yaburu ‘ “

Moesama looked embarrassed. How did that picture get in there?

“ Yes, well. Back in the days when your mother was a great magician, they would call her ‘ Hane no Kaze ‘ , as in the ‘Wings of the Wind’ because her slight- of- hand tricks were so fast you thought that the she pulled stuff out of the air. But the rest of her magicians troop called me  ‘ Yaburu no Kaze ‘, out of fun “.

“ Which means ? “

“ Er…. Ahem.. ‘ Ripper of Winds ‘ “

Fuuko raised an eyebrow and repeated what she just heard. “ Ripper of winds? Don’t you mean ‘Reaper ‘?“

His face reddened slightly.

“ Ripper, as in … to cut the cheese ? “

It turned a tad blue.

“ To expel methane gas ? “

Now it was a lovely shade of purple.

“ In other words, to- “

“ Yes, all right! Yes!! But it was out of fun! “

Fuuko looked at her father closely. “ Are you kidding dad ? “

“ No, it’s what they really called me! “

“ Pulling my leg ? “

“ No! they really did – “

“ Joshing around ? “

“ Fuuko! “ Moesama sternly reprimanded his daughter from saying anything else. He wanted to tell her something else while he still had the courage to do so.

“ Now. About me getting drunk all the time whenever it comes to your mother’s death anniversary… “

Fuuko’s laughter died down. Moesama squeezed one of his daughter’s hands. “ I know it’s late… But.. tomorrow…. Let’s go visit her. And we’ll see if we can find your brother again. He left that picture recently. Hopefully he will still be around. “

Fuuko nodded her head. Moesama let go of holding her hand . “ And… I promise not to drink anymore. I owe you that much. My poor dear… I ‘m so sorry for having caused you trouble…all those years… “

Aw, no. Dad was going to cry again.


 Hane… You would be proud of Fuuko. She turned out to be a lovely woman like you. Well, maybe a bit less feminine, but she has a good head on her shoulders. Her eyes and smile remind me so much of you. I wish you were here to see her. Raiha… I’m so sorry. I thought that the next time I visited, I would have information on him, but I came empty handed. I promise you that I will keep searching for our son….

Moesama kneeled down in front of his wife’s grave. Fuuko stood behind him. They had been there for an hour.  He had seven years worth of news to tell his wife. And knowing him, he was probably only relating the first year. That would mean six more hours.

Fuuko saw movement behind the trees. Someone? Raiha!!  She ran to follow the shadow of her brother leaving her dad behind.


 Which way did he go? Fuuko followed Raiha to the brink of the forest and then she lost sight of him. Where could he be?

“ Fuuko. Hello. “

She rotated around to be met with Raiha’s smiling face.

“ Raiha. Why didn’t you tell me? “

“ Aaaa… you know then… I was hoping you would find that soon. “

Her brows came together in silent contemplation. Raiha stepped back from her.

“ A week from now. We must fight. “

“ Because it’s destiny, right?  “ She mimicked his exact words when they met in Uroubatousatoujin.

“ Yes “.

“ You’re gonna have to give me a better explanation than that! “

“ Then call it fate “. He turned and disappeared into the forest.

Damn it! What kind of answer was that?!


 It was not like he was avoiding Fuuko intentionally. Avoid  is such a strong word. No, more like he felt a bit ... uncomfortable. You’d think he would be more used to her now since they fought in the same team and all. He had no problems  with Yanagi. Or any other girl for that matter. But Fuuko… oh , he treated her in more or less the same fashion as any other female but that would only result in her smiling at him . It made him feel… uncomfortable. Damn uncomfortable. It was better to leave her alone to sort out her own problems and not bother sticking his nose into her business. But now he was back to being stuck with her. Well maybe, just maybe, he could learn to feel more at ease around her.

“ Tokiya, I need another favor from you again “.

He groaned inwardly “ You didn’t fail another subject, did you ? “

“ No. Something more serious “.

“ Which is ? “

“ I need you to train me “.

“ For what? “

Fuuko cleared her throat “ You know… train me.. as in fight me.. “

“ Now why should I do that ? “ He was about to walk away.

“ MIKAGAMI! I took a bullet for you! “

“ I thought you said I shouldn’t worry about it “.

“ Well…ya,  but… I lied ? … Oh, come on! Are you going to help me or not ? “ Fuuko was getting frustrated. If he didn’t want to help her, she would have to ask Recca.

“ Why me? “ He really didn’t want to exert his precious time and effort.

“ You got a sword. The guy I’m fighting has a sword too “. It wasn’t exactly lying! Raiha had a sword! He did! Tokiya was the only friend she knew with a sword. Raiha also had the Reishin madogou, but where was she going to practice for that?!

“ And just who exactly are you training to fight for? “

Her jaw clenched tightly. “ My brother “.


 YEAH!!! This feeling! This rush of adrenaline! Her blood pumping madly through her veins! THIS was what it meant to truly be alive! THIS was what she loved to do best!

Fuuko dodged another Water Snake that Tokiya directed at her. She was almost out of breath. But Mikagami looked like he just got fresh out of the shower. She  wiped some sweat off her forehead and tossed him an arrogant grin.

“ Had enough yet, Mikagami? “

 “ On the contrary, I’ve only just begun.  “


“ Good morning Fuuko! “ Yanagi happily greeted her friend who was entering the classroom.

“ ‘Ey. Mornin’ “ Fuuko found her desk and plopped onto the seat. She placed her head on the table and tried to get at least a minute of sleep before the teacher came in.

“ You don’t look so good Fuuko. Are you okay? “ Kanojo trotted over to her boyfriend’s ex-flame.

“ Hey, what’s with Mikagami? He looks terrible! “ Recca just came in after catching a glimpse of Tokiya entering the higher leveled class.

 Domon peeked over at Fuuko.

“ Hey Fuuko. You don’t look too good either. What happened to the both of you?  Didn’t get any sleep ? “

Recca exchanged a glance with Yanagi. “ You don’t think they… “

“ They wouldn’t…. “

Kanojo caught on . “ They’re too young to- “

“ Too young to what ? “ Domon asked.

“ It’s not what you’re thinking! “ Fuuko’s head shot up in protest.

Recca winked mischievously at her. “ Sure thing. .. whatever you say… “

 Fuuko sank back into her chair and  knew right then and there that she wanted to die.


“ You’re doing better. You’re actually on the offense now “.

Mikagami twirled away from Fuuko’s Onitsume claws and landed gracefully on his feet. She was doing well for someone who only mastered their madogou in a short amount of time. He had the slight advantage of being with his ensui for seven years. Fuuko was charging at him again.

“ Quit running, chicken! Take one of my attacks like a man! “

She let loose a random amount of her hikuu darts at him. Tokiya ducked easily and blocked some darts with his ensui blade. He was in close vicinity and used his Mizu Kugutsu illusion in the effort to end this round with him as the victor.

The fog was too dense for her to see. Maybe taunting him out would work…” Coward! You know you can’t beat me in a fair fight ! Come on out so that – “

WHAP! Something just pushed her chest !! She instantly slapped the figure in front of her.

Mikagami knew he should have finished her from behind.

“ Wahh!!! I’m so sorry!!! It was just that you grabbed it, and out of reflex I ... ohhh, I’m so sorry!!! “

Fuuko reddened with nothing less than galactic- sized embarrassment. She knew he didn’t mean it! It was just that he touched on a sensitive area, and… “ I’m really, really sorry! “

Tokiya got over his initial shock and lowered his ensui. “ It’s… fine “.

“ Um.. uhhh… “ Now what? “ Uuhh… my handprint on your face.. sorry ‘bout that “.

“ It’s. fine. “ Damn. He forgot he was fighting a woman.

Fuuko swallowed nervously. “ So, uhhh.. maybe we should call it a day, huh? “

“ Fine “.

Ohhh… Mikagami probably hated her. But it was an honest mistake! She already apologized…She hoped he would still train her. She only had one more day to go…


“ Yeah, Mikagami’s been training me. I have to fight Raiha soon so I have to be prepared “.

Fuuko was chattering alone with Domon under the shade of a large cherry blossom tree. Kanojo had some errands to run during the lunch break. Domon was the only person who knew, aside from Tokiya, that she was going to fight Raiha. But she didn’t tell him that Raiha was her brother. Domon would prevent her from getting into that battle.

“ You should see how Tokiya was able to evade my Onitsume claws. It was great! He didn’t get touched once! And I was fighting my best too! I mean, he looked cool in the Uroubatousatoujin, but actually fighting him is an even bigger thrill !! And then he did his Mizu Kugitsu illusion and he would have defeated me, but I …. Why are you looking at me that way Domon? “

Domon was amazed to say the least. Of all the years he knew Fuuko, she never once praised anyone’s fighting ability. Even when she lost to Recca, she would still call him a weakling. This side of Fuuko was one he never saw before. She was gushing over an opponent! He tried to hide a grin of amusement.

“ Do you know that your eyes light up whenever you talk about Mikagami nowadays ? “

“ What? “ She was talking about his fighting ability. Of course they would light up! She loved a good fight!

“ Your eyes. They practically sparkle whenever you see him or talk about him… I’ve never seen you look like that at me, or anyone else… “

“ Whu-? Domon, get your friggin’ head checked. Mikagami’s a good friend “ .

“ Oh? Just now… your eyes said something else. They said that you regarded him as something deeper “.

“ Stop looking at my eyes, will ya! “

“ Opposites do attract, you know… “ Domon  said matter of factly.

“ Yes they do Domon. And that‘s as far as it goes. Attraction. They don’t get along very well afterwards “.

“ Hmmm… Tokiya and you seem to have this same denial of feelings. That would make you have something in common… “

“ Since when did you play psychologist?! “ Fuuko tossed her hands up in the air in frustration. “ Look. Kanojo’s here. I’m leaving “. Picking up her bag, Fuuko stomped off.

“ Domon Ishijima. What did you say to Fuuko that made her so mad ? “ Hands on her hips, Kanojo mockingly scolded her boyfriend.

“ Nuthin’ . I just told her the truth “.


 What in the world was Domon implying anyway?? Mikagami was a good friend. That’s all! Yes she liked him! Yes she loved him! But as a friend! Not as… not as… ( she shuddered ).. not as some lovesick puppy!

Unrequited love. Hah. The was the last thing Fuuko needed. Tokiya might be drop dead gorgeous, yes she admitted that. But that was as far as it went! He must have a million admirers to choose from, why would he even consider some wannabe boy like her ? Please, like she was going to date some pasty faced guy prettier than she. Arrgggh! Why was she even thinking that?! Looks never mattered to her! Who was she to criticize someone’s physical appearance? It wasn’t like she was model quality herself. But his type looked more like the conservative housewife. The guy had a sister complex for crying out loud! He would probably fall in love with someone like his sister!…. Someone like Yanagi….Someone with clear, smooth skin, not like her battle scarred body. Someone demure and sweet, not boyish and independent.

 He probably wanted some damsel in distress to protect. Maybe it was a guy thing to make them feel macho. Once upon a time she too looked for her so - called “ knight in shining armor “. But that all changed when her mother died. The kids in school called her names. The boys would make fun of her, calling her bad luck for having a dead mother. No one helped her then. She wanted Recca to protect her from harm… but when he beat her, that only went to show that the only person she could ever count on was herself.  It was hard… maybe if she were a guy it wouldn’t be so bad. Being a girl and portraying yourself as strong was not an easy task. People constantly looked down upon you, and the minute you showed signs of acting  your own gender they would think lowly of you again. No one would say she was weak.
To fall in love would change everything she knew. Everything that she got used to. Caring friends and a loving father…. Her mother died and that changed everything. Her brother disappeared and the realization of it changed everything. Recca and Domon growing up before here eyes changed the way she looked at them. Why change? She didn’t need it.

 Oh great. She got lost. Now she had to take the long way home. On the bright side, though, at least it wasn’t raining…

Just to prove everything she said was wrong, it started to drizzle.


“ You’ll get a cramp if you don’t stretch your legs first “.

Tokiya paced a little in the gymnasium ( which was conveniently empty ), then went to sit beside Fuuko. She had immediately flopped to the floor in a crucifix pose after he declared the training session over.

“ Uaggh. I don’t care. I’m too pooped… “ Even saying stuff brought pain to her body. She felt like soaking up in a  nice, warm, bath and emerging only at prune stage. She wanted to eat a huge meal that could feed a small army, take a good, long nap….

 Mikagami looked over at the her relaxed form . Her eyes were closed. How was she able to do that? No one else could feel so at ease around him. But here she was,  lying down with an expression of security and peace. Like she trusted him…well, she did consider him a friend after all. Strange. Why did that little piece of knowledge just give him a hint of disappointment? He could not afford anything more than friendship. Mifuyu’s death…

“ You’re thinking about your sister again, right Tokiya  ? “ Fuuko shifted around to face him, head propped by her elbow.

Mikagami frowned.

“ And by that frown, I take it that I’m correct “. She sat up and smiled. “ And now you’re thinking just exactly how I got to that conclusion “.

No change in expression this time on Tokiya’s face.

“ Heh. You may be good in hiding the rest of your feelings, but when it comes to your sister, your feelings become more visible than you think… “

Tokiya mulled over what she just said and stayed quiet.  Fuuko continued on in a more serious and gentler tone.

“ It’s not your fault . You should know that. Meguri might have told you otherwise so that you would have the drive to become the best student he ever had. But…there was nothing you could have done to save her and no matter how many times you want to, you can never go back and change the past…”

The sadness and regret were clearly defined once again in his eyes. It stabbed at her own heart. She wanted nothing more than to erase all of it, to take away all his pain and add it to her own if it would make him feel better… if only it were that easy. She really felt guilty for even bringing it up but…if it could help….

“ Tokiya… you know that if you ever need someone to talk to, Recca and the others are more than willing to listen. They’re good – “


“ What? “ Fuuko’s eyes widened in astonishment. She only intended to-

“ How would ANY of you know…“ Tokiya stood up with obvious self - loathing and walked quickly toward the exit.

 “ Wait! Why… “ Fuuko ran and grasped his sleeve to hold him back. “ Why are you so mad ? I – “

“DON’T PITY ME! “ He yanked his arm harshly away from her hand. “ I don’t need your pity! It’s the last thing I’ll ever need ! “

He turned his back on her to continue walking out the door. But Fuuko took hold of his arm again and  whirled him around with enough force for him to face her.

“ ENOUGH! “ She took a step closer. Instinct made his legs retreat.

“ YOU HYPOCRITE! YOU  DAMNED HYPOCRITE !! How can ANYONE not pity you?! You’re full of it yourself! All this self-pity you have on how you couldn’t save your sister… How DARE you think that you’re the only one who’s felt the pain of loss ! “

Every step she took was making him move backwards until he could feel the wall pressed against his back.

“ HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU’RE THE ONLY ONE !! Yes!  Maybe none of  us saw our loved ones die before our eyes… and yes, maybe we all don’t know exactly how it feels…but don’t EVER think you’re alone ! “

Fuuko punched the wall beside Tokiya’s head to vent out some of her fury. She still had enough sense left to not hit Mikagami instead. Bits of the wall crumbled around her fist.

“ Ganko lost her mother even younger than I did! And Recca never even had one! Do you know what it would be like to have one suddenly appear ?! All those years and he thought his mother died ! And then finding out that he was adopted instead! He had to fight his  brother! Just like I have to fight  mine ! ! Kagerou’s  had 400 years of grief and suffering to go through, and Kaoru…” Uh… What about Kaoru?  “ Well I don’t know about Kaoru, but he’s never had anyone to care for him until meeting with Kurei, and even then, Kurei didn’t treat him with the love he so rightly deserved !! “

 She glared at him like it was all his fault. Tokiya should be furious. Who was she to tell him this?! No one could ever understand!  He should be enraged ! Angry! Upset at least! He should feel something in the form of animosity!

But the only sensation he felt was this irritating burning desire to close the gap between them and end everything. Her face was so close that he could feel her warm breath on his skin. Her cheeks were getting flushed with exertion, bringing an inviting hue to the soft trace of her lips. They parted slightly to gain some air after all that yelling. The familiar scent of a fresh field of strawberries in summer… her eyes of cobalt blue intensely ablaze. Not in anger as he first mistook them to be, but in the passionate effort to make him see the care she had for him… so much love … NO! No. Mere attraction was as far as it went. She didn’t love him. How could anyone! And the only love he had to give was reserved for Mifuyu. His sister took his love with her when she died. He had only concern and friendship to offer now.

Fuuko felt hope rise when  his eyes softened for awhile  … then they became steel and his mask of indifference took over. He turned his head to the side and refused to look at her… like she had never said anything and even ceased to exist …


To hell with him! What did she care anymore ?! Grabbing her things, she stormed out the door holding back tears that threatened to spill down any moment.


‘ Why did I get mad in the first place ? ‘

Tokiya got off from leaning on his door and placed his house keys on the table. He didn’t feel like turning on the lights. Only the moon would be his aid in going around the small apartment he called home.

Why did he get angry? Fuuko was only trying to help, like any friend would…

He stood in front of the mirror. He looked like he had aged a hundred years.

She was only trying to help. But that look of pity in her eyes… that look of pity was more than he could stand !

“ DAMN YOU! I don’t need you! “

He smashed the mirror with his fist.

“ I don’t need you! ANY of you! “ Not Yanagi or Recca or anyone else…

The mirror cracked and pieces of the reflective glass fell.

“ Mifuyu was all I needed !! And she died! “

The glass bit painfully into his skin…

“ I loved her and she DIED!  “

…But the pain of the flesh could not match the one in his heart…

“ She died…. “

It hurt… the agony in his chest was the one he so wanted to avoid… The pain in Fuuko’s face…it brought raw suffering to his heart… it never bothered him before…when would life stop toying with him?

“ She doesn’t love me.  “ Only pity… only friendship…Nothing else…No one should love him… he didn’t deserve it…He didn’t want it.

“ Mifuyu… if only you were here…“


 I fight Raiha today. Mom, I hope you understand. I’m not sure I do… I still haven’t found out why I have to. All I know is that I must. Why did you have to die? And leave me and dad all alone? To leave Raiha behind… You turned everything upside down…But I don’t blame you. I’m sorry if I sounded like that. You would be crying right now if you found out….

“ Aunt Fuuko?  Is something wrong ? “ Ganko tugged anxiously at Fuuko’s hand. They had already reached the elementary school Ganko went to. Fuuko looked down into Ganko’s concerned face.

“ Oh, nothing’s wrong…. “  She squatted in front of Ganko. “ Hey Ganko. Can you keep a secret ? “

“ ‘Course I can! “ Ganko put on her innocent baby act. But she crossed her fingers behind her back. If aunt Fuuko confessed her love for Uncle Tokiya, she would have no choice but to tell big brother Kaoru…

“ I want you to have this “. Fuuko took out a necklace that had a diamond flower pendant. She put it around Ganko’s neck. “ I might have to leave for awhile, so I want you to keep this “.

“ Where are you going? Are you coming back soon? “ Ganko felt afraid… Where was Aunt Fuuko going?

“ I don’t know if I will be back. Hey, I promise you though, if I do, I’ll get you that dress you always wanted ! “ Fuuko ruffled Ganko’s hair. “ Then we can go check that bakery downtown and eat ‘till we drop! “

“ Aunt Fuuko…where… “

“ You be a good girl now, and don’t give Recca and Kaoru such a hard time, you hear? And remember that I love you very much ! “ Fuuko gave Ganko a crushing hug.

“ O-kay- Aunt- Fu-ko ! Ca-n’t-bre-athe ! “

“ Whopps! “ She let go and instead placed a hand on Ganko’s cheek. “ Well, you take care of yourself! Toodles ! “ Fuuko waved energetically at Ganko’s retreating form going inside the school.


 Fuuko checked the forest area again and tapped her foot impatiently. Maybe she got the days mixed up or something. Did he say next week? She could have sworn it was today…Well if he didn’t show up in the next five minutes, she was going to leave.

“ Pardon my tardiness… “

“ Raiha! Well it’s about time! “

“ Forgive me for that. I fear I had more pressing matters to attend to before I was able to come here “. Raiha stood in front of her, a smile on his lips. The guy probably overslept! Fuuko clenched her fists at her sides.

“ Mind telling me why we’re doing this?  And don’t give me that fates crap “.

“ I’m afraid that it is the only explanation I have to give you “.

“ What?! “

“ You see, it was fate that killed mother. It was fate that brought the Reishin madogou to my hands. And it is fate that decrees we fight “.

“ We can change fate, you know “.

“ We could try. But the inevitable will come, and there is no changing destiny. It’s nothing personal. But the Reishin must go against the Fuujin. It just so happened that fate put the Fuujin into the hands of my little sister “.

Little sister. Why did that sound… so wrong? “ Come on. Can’t you give me a better explanation than that? Like to take my Fuujin? Or because you admire Kurei so much that you want to have a big sibling battle  like him and Recca? “

Raiha laughed and shook his head “ Fuuko. When mother died…all the ties I had with our family died along with her. You may be my sister, but it is more important to me that you have the Fuujin and that the Reishin and the Fuujin go against each other “.

“ Can’t we all just… get along? Why can’t they work together? “

“ Because the fate- “

“ And don’t give me that fates crap! “

Raiha sighed and looked serious. “ Because they are opposing madogous. One is meant for salvation. The other for destruction. I must know which is which “.

Sunlight filtered through the window and found its way to his eyelids. Tokiya blearily opened his eyes. Was it morning already? His hands stung. The blood on his knuckles dried and caked over his hand. He should get cleaned up and go to school. And buy a new mirror while at it.

There was a knock at the door. He got up to answer it.


“ Wait, so how exactly is our fighting going to prove which madogou is which ? “ Fuuko still didn’t get why they had to fight. Now she kind of had a clue on how Recca felt when he had to fight Kurei. But Raiha wasn’t evil. And neither was Kurei, but they only found that out afterwards. So during the Uroubatousatoujin, Recca could have killed Kurei without much guilt. But Fuuko didn’t know if she could deliver the final blow on her brother.

“ Our actions while we combat will prove it “. Raiha took out his sword and went into a battle stance.


“ Uncle Tokiya? Are you there ? “ Ganko knocked one more time at Mikagami’s door. Maybe he left already for school.

The door opened. Tokiya glimpsed left and right but saw no one. Guess it must have been a prank.

“ Uncle Tokiya! Down here! “

Mikagami looked down and saw Ganko’s pouty face. Her yellow fox -like pet whatever was perched ontop her head.

“ Ganko. What are you doing here? And where did you get that ? “ He had caught sight of a glint. It was Ganko’s pendant on her neck. The same one Fuuko bought for her mother.

“ Aunt Fuuko gave it to me. And she went somewhere! She said she might not come back. Do you know where she was going? I’m really scared…”

He took a sharp intake of breath. Damn it! Fuuko knew! She knew she didn’t stand a chance against Raiha! All that training was just to put up a good fight!  She knew even with the training, it wasn’t enough. She was prepared to die ! That conversation in the gym… that was why she had said Recca and the others were willing to listen and why she didn’t include herself…Damn it!

Cursing  himself again for added measure, Tokiya grabbed his ensui and ran past Ganko.


“ You can do better than that! I’ve seen you fight! Give me everything you’ve got! “

Raiha executed another slice with his sword. Fuuko evaded his attack with ease. Mikagami had shown her the basic moves of a swordsman. It was easier to dodge Raiha’s attacks because of it. Doing a backwards somersault, Fuuko bounced off the ground and slashed at him with her Onitsume claws. She got lucky. It drew blood across his chest.

Raiha grinned. It was time. “ Reishin! Give me your power! “

Domon stood in front of Mikagami, blocking his way.

“ I found Uncle Domon before I got to your place, Uncle Tokiya “. Ganko yelled it out at him, like he hadn’t figured that out.

“ Domon, we have to find Fuuko “.

Domon didn’t budge.

“ She’ll need our help Domon! “

“ You don’t deserve her “.

“ What? “

Domon shook his head. “ I couldn’t be the one she fell in love with.  “.

“ Please, stand aside… “ Please don’t put up a fight Domon…

“ I could treat her better. I could be there for her… “

“ Domon … “ Tokiya’s warning voice grew dangerously low.

Domon smiled lopsidedly “ It just had to be you . “

Tokiya relaxed his grip on the ensui. Domon stood aside. “ Go on. She needs you. I’ll get Recca “.

Tokiya nodded. “ She’ll be at the forest nearest the cemetery “.


 She couldn’t keep this up anymore…Her shoulder hurt like mad. Her legs were turning to lead and the loss of blood was making her feel all light headed. Raiha saw her weakening. Fuuko’s vision blurred between blessed slumber and painful awakedness.

 Recca… Domon…my closest friends… I’ve never thanked you for all those great years…

Raiha slowly walked over to her slumping form.

Yanagi, Kanojo… I’ve felt like I’ve known you for a long time. Please take care of those two morons. They mean well….

Raiha looked down on her, his smile still in place.

Ganko… you’ll grow up beautiful, I know it. The boys will be all over you that you gotta beat them off with a stick…

Raiha tightened his hold on his Reishin.

Kaoru… I’ll miss you, you little imp! You take care of Ganko…

Raiha raised his  madogou.

Dad, I love you… I’m sorry I couldn’t more like mom…. And Tokiya…

Raiha paused. There was something in Fuuko’s eyes...


Strength renewed, Fuuko knocked down Raiha with all she had.


Tokiya felt a chill run down his spine. Why?

He squeezed the cuts on his hands from breaking the mirror. It bled anew.

It must be because she could be dead already…If that were true, then he’d use his own blood to kill Raiha. He’d make sure of that.


“ Why… why did you side with Kurei? “ Fuuko barely had enough energy to raise her head up. Even replacing Raiha’s face with Mikagami’s didn’t work anymore. Raiha shrugged.

“ We were both victims of circumstance. It felt right for me to join him “.

“ And it feels right of you to kill me now?! “

Raiha frowned. “ No. But I can see that I carry the madogou of evil. It’s urging me to kill you…”

Fuuko tried to stand straight. Damned if she died lying down. Raiha looked at her with regret.

“ Any last words, little sister ? “

“ Hurry up and kill me. The sooner I die, the sooner I get to haunt you “. She raised her Fuujin to eye level. Only one chance to aim a Hikuu dart at his direction…

“ Ha, ha… Defiant to the bitter end. I am sorry about this… but destiny- “

“ Shut UP with all this talk of destiny! We make our own! “

“ Oh, have it your way Fuuko. “

He called on the power of his Reishin.

Fuuko silently pleaded with her Fuujin.
“ STOP! Stopstopstopstopstopstop!!! STOP! “

“ Dad?! “

“ Father?! “

Moesama’s pot bellied form stood in front of Raiha. He was blocking Fuuko’s opportunity to hit her brother with a dart. Moesama slapped his son on the cheek.

“ That was long overdue! You deserve an even bigger spanking for what you’ve done! “ Then bursting into tears, Moesama grabbed his son and hugged him. “ Oh, you have no idea how happy I am to see you! And Hane… Hane would be so happy too! “

Raiha dropped his sword. It fell to the ground with a muffled cling. His eyes closed and he hugged his father back for about two seconds, max., and then pushed him away to arms length.

“ Father. It is good to see you.”

“ Ohhhh.. my son, my son… “ Moesama sobbed.

“ I have to leave again, father…. I’m sorry “

“ Ohhhh…. It’s fine… Just knowing that you’re alive and well…”

Raiha glanced over at Fuuko. “ Don’t make the same mistake I did. I was a fool to throw away the ties of my family. Be at rest. I will not bother you again “. So saying, he picked up his sword and disappeared into the forest.

Moesama waved a white hanky in his son’s direction. Fuuko just felt so weird. Would someone explain what just happened ?! She shook her head.

“  I swear dad, you are such a ditz “.

They stood huddled in a corner, just below the stairs leading up to the rooftop of school. Domon held a camera. Kanojo took care of the tape recorder. Yanagi wrote an excuse. And Recca carried some protective gear. Recca went down the checklist.

“ Polaroid? “

“ Yep “.

“ Tape recorder ?”

“ Check! “

“ Speech of apology? As an excuse? “

“ Remember! Make it sound as apologetic as possible! “ Domon interceded.

“ I’m not sure about this Recca… “

Kanojo chimed in. “ We’ll take that as a yes, Yanagi “

“ And I’ve got the safety gear to protect us from their wrath! “

Recca puffed his chest out.

“ All right Hokage Team! Let’s go! “


Tokiya stood alone up on the rooftop of school. In a year’s time he would graduate and would never see them again. Any of them. Good. It was what he wanted after all. Right? Right. Why did he even doubt. But there was a dull ache in his heart. Ah,  It didn’t matter… In a year’s time he would leave. And with time everything would be back to normal for him again. No connections, no pain…no love.

“ Tokiya! My, what an amazing coincidence !“

 Fuuko’s bright smile brought him out of his reverie. He turned his back on her and continued to gaze at the clouds. Yes, even she would fade away with time. He would make sure of it.

“ Why are you here? What do you want? “

Fuuko decided to switch to serious mode. Her cheerful act wasn’t working. “ To talk. You looked so bummed out… everyone needs a friend at some point in their lives. Even you. Especially you  “.

“ I don’t need- “

“ Listen. Kagehoushi told me, that in the all 400 years she’s had to walk on this planet, the one thing most painful was to lose a loved one. But later on she realized that she shouldn’t cry over the loss… and instead she should feel honored. To have known that person and to have shared memories with them. She should have been glad for all the years they had spent with her…I felt better after hearing that. For nine years I knew a wonderful mother. How many people do I know can say the same? “

“ Why bother to get attached then? “

 “ If you don’t, then all you’d feel is empty. I’m not saying you should forget. I’m just saying that you should learn to let go. Even Ganko knows that!  “.

Fuuko placed her arms on the railing. Tokiya stared back at the sky.

“ What you said now… and before… made sense “.

“ Glad to help ”.

“ You trained with me for a week. But you knew it was no use. Why? “ He already knew the answer. But hearing it would mean that he had understood more of her. Not that he really cared, of course.

“ I wanted to put a good fight. And I honestly did think that I stood a chance. But… maybe I will the next time I fight him. Besides, I got to kick your butt every once in a while… “.

“ You wish, Kirisawa “.

He just made a crack ! It felt good. Her light hearted jests were contagious. Fuuko blinked her eyes in surprise, and then chuckled. He smiled fondly at her.

There were no apologies asked for the gymnasium incident. None were needed.

“ I love you “.

“ ….”

“ ! “


They both said the exclamation at the same time with complete shock. If it wasn’t either of them, then who???

“ Ssshh… Yanagi! They might hear you “

“ Opps. I’m sorry Recca. But  I thought one of them was going to say it and I just couldn’t handle the waiting anymore…I couldn’t control myself… “

Fuuko kicked the door open. “ Well. Recca. Domon. Why am I not surprised ? “

Domon hid behind Kanojo. “ There’s a good explanation for this Fuuko… It was Recca’s idea! Honest! “

“ Oh I believe you… NOT! Get over here! You’re dead! “ She chased him around the rooftop.

Recca looked at Mikagami with conspicuous distaste. “ We were supposed to catch you two locked in a passionate kiss. A torrid embrace at least that could scandalize the entire school! “

Tokiya coolly glided past  Recca . “ You are a pest Hanabishi “.

Yanagi started to read out her excuse. Kanojo decided to keep the tape recorder on.

Across the rooftop the irate shouts of Fuuko could be heard.

“ And you’re next Recca! “

    The End… Or is it?

Comments! Think Domon sounds to intelligent? I was aiming for sensitive. Think the rooftop and gymnasiums of the school are too ‘ conveniently ‘ empty for the sake of my fic? Too many plotholes? Not coherent? Think I resorted too much on crude jokes?