The Arguement
By: Fuuko Hanabishi

 “Yanagi’s healing powers are really cool, don’t you think so, Fuuko?” Recca Hanabishi said.  “The way she handles peoples wounds are great!”
 “Umm.. yeah.. I guess.” Fuuko said, boredly.
 “And especially how she heals my wounds when I’m injured.” Recca continued.  “And also during the tournaments when we had to fight versus the Uruha Scarlet team.”
 “Uh-huh...” Fuuko said trying to give him a hint that she didn’t like the topic at all.
 “And she’s so beautiful” Recca sighed.  “Ahhh... my Princess...”
 Fuuko didn’t comment on it, but all she did was roll her eyes.
 They have been sitting in the school cafeteria for two whole hours, talking and eating snacks.  Recca has been talking about how great Yanagi Sakoshita’s powers of healing are, and how plainly great she is, and how beautiful.  Fuuko, his best friend, though, has totally lost interest about the topic.  She’s fed up with her being so plainly perfect and smart, and of Recca always talking about her.
 What’s so great about her, anyway? Fuuko asked herself.  OK, so she has healing powers, which is... I admit is outrageous.  And not to mention she’s probably miss perfect, but then... *sigh* forget it! Oh Recca, when will you ever talk about me like how you talk about Yanagi?
 “Hey earth to Fuuko!” Recca was waving his hands in front of Fuuko’s face, interrupting her thoughts.  “Are you listening to me?”
 “Huh?” Fuuko asked.
 “Are you OK?” Recca asked concerningly.  “You seem to look tired.  Maybe you should rest.”
 “Didn’t know you cared!” Fuuko snapped at him.
 “What?” Recca asked astonished.  How could she say that! “Of course I care! You’re my friend! I don’t want anything to happen to you or anything like that.”
 “Yeah! Sure! Whatever!” Fuuko snapped, grabbing her knapsack and getting out of the cafeteria, leaving a surprised and stunned Recca sitting there.

 “Hey, Fuuko! I don’t know what happened today.  Are you OK? No! No! Bad question! That’s the question that made you burst... right? Well, anyway, seriously... are you OK? Was it something I said that made you mad or is it something else? It’s just that I care about you, cuz you’re my best friend, and well, I’m just concerned... We’re friends, right? So you could tell me anything.  Well, I guess that’s about it.  I hope you call back, though.  Even if you just say hello and bang the phone or something.  Well, I guess that’s it! See ya!” Beep.  Fuuko has been listening to the same message at least five times.
 “Oh, Recca,” Fuuko said.  Tears were flowing down her face, though she wasn’t the crying type of person, but you can’t blame a girl to have this type of reaction when she’s in love.  “You just don’t know how hurtful it is when you talk about Yanagi all the time.”
 Suddenly, the phone rang.  Fuuko looked at it, but never really bothered to pick it up.  Then the answering machine answered it for her.
 “Hey! You’ve reached Fuuko’s answering machine.  I can’t get to you right now.  You know the drill! Beep.”
 A familiar voice spoke over the answering machine.  “Hey Fuuko! You should be home by now! I know you’re there! Answer it! Answer the darn phone Fuuko!”
 “Recca!” Fuuko said.
 “Fuuko... please answer the phone!” Recca begged.
 Fuuko picked up the phone slowly, and said in a whispering voice, “Hello?”
 “Fuuko! Hey! I knew you were there!” Recca said.  He noticed her voice.  “Are you OK? You---”
 “I’m fine.” Fuuko replied quickly.
 “No you’re not.  Your voice doesn’t sound right... he-- hey! Are you crying?” Recca asked.
 “I can’t talk right now, Recca.  I’ll just see you at school tomorrow, OK?” Fuuko said.  “See ya!”
 “Hey! No! Wait!” Recca said quickly.
 “Bye.” Fuuko said silently but sternly.  Then she hang up.  She whispered to the air.. “Bye Recca.......”
 After a few minutes, Fuuko picked up the phone, and punched Domon Ishijima’s phone number.  Domon is also Fuuko’s best friend, and he defends her all the time, and is also always there for her when she needs someone and he’s the one she usually opens up to.  He’s always there if she also needed a shoulder to cry on, which isn’t all the time.  The phone rang three times.  Then the answering machine answered with Domon’s voice in it.
 “Hey man! You’ve reached the Ishijima’s phone.  No one’s here to pick up, so please leave your message after the beep.”
 “Hey, Domon! I--It’s me, umm... well, just.. just call me back---”
 “WAIT!!!!!!!! Fuuko!!!!!!” Domon screamed.  “Don’t hang up!”
 “Domon?” She asked.  “Is that you?”
 “Yeah! Hey! You OK? You don’t sound so good.” Domon said.
 “Oh! Oh yeah, I’m fine... just... just a little Recca to Yanagi problems... that’s all.” Fuuko explained.  “If you know what I mean.”
 “Yeah, I do.  So Hanabishi’s been pissing you off again, huh?” Domon asked.
 “Not really.” Fuuko replied.  “Just don’t do anything bad to him.  I’m just sad that he likes Yanagi.... and.....”
 “It’s OK.  I know.  You don’t have to continue.” Domon replied.  “Just think happy thoughts.  Like probably hmmm... you getting married with him or something... hehehe... just playing.  Umm... maybe this would make you feel better.  Umm... Koji is celebrating his birthday at his mansion tomorrow.  You wanna go?”
 “Umm... Are you coming?” Fuuko asked.
 “I’m not sure.  I don’t think so.  But... hey! There’s nothing wrong with spending time all by yourself, is there?” Domon asked.  “Don’t worry about it.  He’ll soon find out who the real girl is for him, beautiful.  For now, keep smiling! Well, gotta go.  Gotta eat dinner.”
 “Thanks Domon! You’re a real pal, you know that?” Fuuko said.
 “Sure! No problem.  Anything for my girl, Fuuko!” Domon replied.  “Just remember to keep your beautiful face smiling and shining!”
 Fuuko laughed.  “Sure! No problem!”
 Then they both hang up the phone.  Domon Ishijima... the greatest pal ever! Fuuko told herself.  Better than Recca!


 “Ahhhhh!” Fuuko yawned, while turning the alarm clock off.  “I’m tired.”
 After changing to her uniform, she went down stairs to eat.
 “Hey there!” Fuuko’s dad said.  “Good Morning.”
 “Hey!” Fuuko replied.  “Where’s Mama?”
 “Upstairs changing.” Her dad replied.  “Getting ready for work.”
 “Oh, I see.” Fuuko sat down on her place and started to eat.  After a couple of minutes, she finished her food.
 “Mmmm... I’m stuffed!” Fuuko said.  “Well, see you Papa!”  She bent down to give her dad a kiss on the cheek, and went to the entrance door to put her shoes on.  When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Recca, Domon, Yanagi, and Tokiya waiting for her.
 “Hey!” Tokiya said.  “Good morning!”
 “Hey! Everyone!” Fuuko said, then she looked at Recca.  He gave her a small smile, and she smiled back.
 “So are you going to Koji’s party tonight?” Domon asked them when they were in school already.
 “I am.” Fuuko said.  “I guess.  I can’t think of anything else on how to spend a Friday night!”
 “You’re going?” Tokiya asked.  “Well, then! That’s great! Then you could go with Hanabishi and me.”
 Fuuko shrugged her shoulders.  “I guess.  Aren’t you going, Yanagi?”
 Yanagi shook her head.  “I can’t.  It’s my dad’s birthday today, and the whole family has to eat together.  It’s not like we celebrate it.  We just do that.  It’s a family thing.”
 “Oh, I see.” Fuuko said.  “There’s always next time, huh?”
 “Yeah!” Yanagi said.  “Well, Gotta see you guys, I have to go to class now.”
 “See you Princess!” Recca shouted.
 “So do we.” Everyone else said.  “See you guys later!”

 “I wonder what’s taking her so long.” Tokiya said, sqatting on the stairs.  “It’s been ten minutes after classes, don’t you think she would have been here by now?”
 “Just wait a little longer.  She’ll come.” Recca said sitting next to Tokiya.
 “Hey guys! What are you doing here?” Fuuko asked.  She nearly tripped but she saw the two boys just in time.
 “Hey! Let’s go!” Tokiya said, getting up.
 “To Koji’s party?” Fuuko asked.
 Tokiya nodded.
 “OK!” Fuuko said.

 When they arrived at Koji’s house, there were a lot of people.  Some where dancing, others were eating, and the rest were drinking.
 “WOW! Now this is what I call a party!” Fuuko said.
 “Yeah!” Recca agreed.
 “So where do you wanna go first?” Tokiya asked.  “I think I’ll go eat.”
 “I’ll go wherever Fuuko goes.” Recca said looking at her.
 “I don’t need some sort of guardian, Recca!” Fuuko snapped.  “I’m old enough to take care of myself.”
 With that, Fuuko left, and made her way to the bar.  Without Fuuko noticing, Recca followed her quietly, while Tokiya went to eat.  When Fuuko stopped at the bar, it surprised Recca.  He watched her ordering a drink, and overheard her asking for a drink that has strong alcohol.  It shocked him.
 Why would she want to order something with strong alcohol in it? Recca wondered.  That’s weird.  I know that she’s not that kind of person who drinks... unless she’s got a problem in her mind or something... does it have to do with yesterday? But nothing happened yesterday? At least, as far as I’m concerned.
 The bartender gave Fuuko her drink, and she drank it in a few seconds, without putting the glass down.  Recca read the bartenders lips.  He asked Fuuko if she wanted another glass, and Recca saw her nod, to his surprise.
 What’s going on with her? Recca asked himself.  Finally Recca got bored just watching Fuuko, and he decided to join her.
 “Hey Fuuko!” Recca said.
 Fuuko looked at him.  “Yeah.. hi!”
 “Are you OK?” Recca asked.
 “What’s up with you, Recca? Why are you so concerned all of a sudden?” Fuuko screamed.  “You’re not my big brother you know!”
 “Hey! Take it easy! I already told you that you were my friend and I cared about you!” Recca told her.
 “Ts! Sure you do! Ever since when?” Fuuko snapped.  “More like you care about your stupid Princess!” She tried to stay away from him, but he grabbed her arm.  Fuuko yanked it away from his grasp.
 “Yanagi is not stupid!” Recca yelled.  “She’s more like the total opposite of you!!!”
 “Well, excuse me for living!” Fuuko yelled back, hurt by his comment.  “Excuse me for-- for-- for not being the stupid friend that you expected.  Excuse me for not being so perfect like Yana---”
 “I never said Yanagi was perfect!” Recca interrupted.
 “I’m getting out of here!” Fuuko said while turning on her heels.  “The last thing I need is a fight with you!”
 “Having a fight with your girlfriend?” one of the guys in the bar asked Recca.
 Recca blushed, “She’s not my girlfriend.”
 “Soon to be, probably...” The guy said, then chuckled.  “If you care about her that much and won’t even let her drink, I think you might.”
 Recca didn’t speak to the stranger anymore.  Then followed Fuuko.
 Was the guy at the bar right? Do I like Fuuko? Recca wondered while walking after Fuuko.  No way! She’s my best friend! Is she? I’m getting confused.  I should stop thinking like this.
 It was starting to rain outside, and Fuuko was finding a way out of the mansion.  She wanted to go home.  She was tired, and she wasn’t in the mood in arguing with Recca for something that wasn’t even worth arguing about.  Recca followed her outside.
 “Why are we out here?” Recca asked her.
 “It’s better than in there.” Fuuko said crossing her hands over her chest, while letting the rain pour down on her.   “If you don’t wanna stay out here with some stupid psycho why don’t you go back in and find a freaking phone and call your beloved Princess and ask how she is? I wanna go home!”
 “What’s wrong with you Fuuko!?” This time Recca was really burning.  “What the hell is your problem anyway?”
 “YOU, MORON! YOU’RE MY DARN PROBLEM!” Fuuko screamed on top of her lungs.  “I HATE YOU!”
 “What did I ever do?” Recca asked slowly.
 “Forget it.” Fuuko said her voice back to normal although it’s a little quieter.  “You’ll never understand.” She turned her back on Recca.
 “I probably would if you just tell me.” Recca said trying to be understanding.
 “Forget it!” She snapped.  “You wish!”
 “Can you just tell me what I did or something?” Recca snapped back.  “I’m just really tired of you being mad at me for something I don’t even know I did.”
 “How sure are you that I’m mad at you?” Fuuko asked angrily.
 “It’s obvious.” Recca replied.  “By the way you yell at me and you don’t with other people.  Is this about something I said in the cafeteria?”
 Fuuko shrugged.  “Whatever.”  She started pacing forward.
 “So is it?” Recca asked.
 Fuuko didn’t answer.  She just kept on walking forward.  She was tired and she didn’t feel so good.  But she just kept on walking.
 “Hey!” Recca said.  “Where do you think you’re going?”
 Fuuko still didn’t answer him.  Recca grabbed her arm.  She tried to yank it out, but he gripped it tighter.
 “Let go of me.” Fuuko yelled.
 “Not unless you answer my question.” Recca said.
 “LET GO OF ME!!!!!!!!!” Fuuko shrieked.  She kicked Recca’s shin and kept on walking.
 “Fuuko,” Recca winced from the kick.  “Why are you mad at me? You have to tell me what’s up with you.”
 “Give me at least one good reason why.” Fuuko said starting to walk again, while Recca’s walking right beside her.
 “Because I can’t go on letting you hate me like this.” Recca replied.  “Please.  I need to know so I have at least something to apologize about.”
 Fuuko stopped walking and looked at Recca.  They were standing in the sidewalk, soaking wet, while it was still raining really hard.  Recca was waiting for a reaction from Fuuko.  Then she just burst into tears.
 “Hey,” Recca said in a soft voice.  He held her shaking shoulders and looked down at her.  She was bowing her head so Recca couldn’t see her tears.  It was embarrassing for her if she cries.  Usually people know her as this girl who has really strong spirit, and a real warrior.
 Fuuko looked up at him.  “I’m sorry, Recca!” she said.  “I’m sorry for yelling at you tonight.  I didn’t mean to.  I was just so angry because of Yanagi.  How you always talked about her, and how perfect and good she sounded whenever you talk about her.  Me, I’m just a nothing compared to her.  And-- And the way you always talked about her made me so mad-- and---”  She fainted from drinking too much, but luckily Recca caught her before she hit the ground, and something was in her uniform coat pocket that dropped.  Recca saw it and opened the paper.  He read it.  It was a letter for Fuuko’s aunt.  In Fuuko’s handwriting, it said:

 My friendship with Recca is falling apart.  I don’t know what to say about it anymore.  Everyday he is getting more and more in love with Yanagi, and is pissing me off by talking about her all the time.  The way she sounds makes me seem like a stupid dumb useless animal.  And the way he always wanted to fight just to see whether I could beat him or not makes me cringe and... forget it.  But that’s life, and I can’t change it. I’m in love with him.  Yeah, I know it’s weird but I am.  He’s cute, and he’s really nice, and not to mention he gets to be really funny at times.  Anything a girl would ever dream of as a boyfriend or something. Anyway, that’s just about it.  I really, really, really LOVE him, obasan, and I don’t know what to do anymore.

 Recca felt a pang of guilt as he finished reading it.  I can’t believe I actually cost that much pain for her.  She’s the type of person who’s strong, but I guess not in the heart she’s not.  Oh, Fuuko I’m so sorry. He told himself.  Recca carried her back to Koji’s house for awhile and looked for Tokiya, telling him that he must go ahead because of Fuuko.  Then he carried Fuuko to his house, which was just a couple of blocks away.

 I didn’t know she looked so beautiful while she’s sleeping.  Recca thought, the next morning.  She looks like an angel who came down from heaven just for me.
 Fuuko opened her eyes sleepily, then blinked in surprise.  She blinked again just to check that she wasn’t dreaming.  What? Where am I? What place is this? This isn’t my room! Then she remembered what happened last night, at Koji’s house.
 “Hey there!” Recca greeted her with a smile, stroking her cheek.  It felt smooth, and warm.  “Are you feeling any better?”
 “I’m in your room.” Fuuko said weakly.
 “Yeah.” Recca said.  “Your parents know where you are.  I told them you were going to sleepover here, and they just allowed.  I told my dad the same story, but Mama (Kagerou) knows the truth.  She doesn’t really care, because she likes you.”
 “Did you tell them?” She asked.  “About last night?”
 Recca shooked his head.
 Fuuko smiled a weak smile.  “What happened last night was stupid.”
 “Here,” Recca handed her a piece of paper.  “I think you dropped this last night.”
 “Huh?” Fuuko took the paper and read it, then turned bright red.  “Eeee.... don’t tell me you read this!”
 “Umm...” Recca looked at her guiltily.  “Sorry.”
 Fuuko just looked at him.
 “You should go back to sleep now, Princess, you need a lot of rest.” Recca said softly, while patting Fuuko’s face lightly with a wet towel.
 “Huh?” Fuuko said.  “What did you call me?”
 “Princess... is there something wrong with that?” Recca asked grinning.
 Fuuko smiled, then all of a sudden it disappeared.
 “What’s wrong?” Recca asked her.
 “I...” Fuuko said.  “I remember wearing my uniform, and being soaked wet by the rain...” She looked under the blanket that was on top of her body.  She was wearing something different.  She was wearing a big shirt.
 “It’s the biggest shirt that I have.” Recca said, turning beet red.  “I figured you needed something lose to wear to get comfortable so . . .”
 Fuuko looked to her right, and her wet clothes were hanging there.  Then she turned back to Recca, and started turning even redder than before.
 “Umm... uhhh....” Recca stammered.
 “Did you change my clothes?” Fuuko asked slowly.
 Recca nodded slowly.  “You were soaking wet.. and-- and-- you’d get sick if you wore them so I-- I-- I didn’t have much of a choice, and I didn’t have time to call anyone.... Umm... I.. I.. I... uhh... I didn’t look! I swear! I didn’t---”
 Fuuko sighed.  “That’s OK.  Thanks Recca.” She gave him a small smile, but a weak one.
 “Go back to rest now, beautiful Princess,” Recca said tucking her back in bed.
 Fuuko looked at him, and right before she went back to rest, they kissed each other their first kiss.
 “I love you, Fuuko.” Recca said softly.
 “I love you, too, Recca.” Fuuko replied.


© 2002 ReccaLovesFuukoFanfics
by Fuuko Hanabishi.  All rights reserved