By: Fuuko Hanabishi

“Wow! This is like, so cool! College will be a total blast!” Fuuko Kirisawa, the girl who is one of the Hokage warriors, and the only girl on the group, said. “Take a good look at this whole building! This is so outrageous!”

“Yeah, I agree.” Recca Hanabishi, Fuuko’s childhood friend said.  “What do you think? My Princess?” He was referring to Yanagi Sakoshita, the girl who has the power to heal people.

“Well,” Yanagi began.  “It is kind of nice.  Remember what we always did, before, Recca? We went up to the roof and hang out there? I’m really looking forward to doing that during our free time again.”

“Of course we are, Princess!” Recca replied.

Fuuko was steaming. What the hell is wrong with the two of them!? Can’t they learn to shut up and try not to open up their stinkin’ hearts in front of people!? GRRRR!!!!!

Domon Ishijima, Fuuko’s best friend tried to calm her down.  “Oh, Fuuko! Give it a break! I hate it when you boil up like this!” Domon whined.

“Don’t worry, Domon!” Fuuko barked.  She said though clenched teeth, “I am not one bit, angry. Can't you see how happy I am?”

“C’mon! Be happy! We’re in college! We’re finally in college!” Domon said happily.  “I passed school!”

“That’s probably because you had Kyoko do all your homework.” Fuuko mumbled.  “And some ungrateful fool had to make me DO his!” She said it loud enough for Recca to hear.

“Hey! I didn’t really let you do all of them... did I?” Recca asked Fuuko.  He smiled nervously when Fuuko gave him an icy, eye-to-eye glare. “Ooops! Maybe.... I did!”

“Look! Tokiya’s there!” Fuuko said.  She waved her arms so Tokiya Mikagami, one of the Hokage’s who has the madougu ensui, an ice sword, which is the element of water. “Hey! Tokiya! Over here!”

Tokiya spotted them. “Hello there! Well, it’s been a long time!”

“Yeah!” they replied.

“How are you?” Fuuko asked. “Still the same Tokiya Mikagami? Serious and all that stuff? How’s college?”

“It’s pretty tough.” Tokiya replied. “But I’m doing good.”

“So...” Yanagi said. “Let’s go in and check this new school of hours, eh? What do you say?”

“Yeah. Let’s do.”

All of them walked to the entrance of the school, and made their way to their respective classes.

“So how’s classes so far?” Yanagi asked her friends during lunch time.  All of them gathered in one table in the school cafeteria.

“It was OK.” Fuuko replied.  “There’s this cute guy in Chemistry class, and he and I are pretty good friends. He’s a foreigner.  Came from England.  His name’s Jake Wagner.” Fuuko found her new friend and waved at him. “See? That’s him.”

“Yeah.  He is kind of cute.” Yanagi agreed.

“PRINCESS!!” Recca said.

Yanagi smiled a little. “Sorry. But he is.”

I hate it when this happens. Can’t Fuuko shut up about cute guys for once in her life... especially around the Princess?!  Recca said inside of him.

“This is the first time I talked about cute guys, for your information, Recca!” Fuuko said reading his mind.  “So how’s classes in the first day of school, Recca?”

“Huh?” Recca said.  “Oh! Oh! It’s OK.”

“Let me guess.” Fuuko said.  “You fell asleep in class again didn’t you?” She poked Recca’s nose and made it look like a pig’s.

“So, how about you, Domon?” Yanagi asked.  “How was class?”

“It was great!” Domon replied.

“What made it so great?” Tokiya asked.

“Fuuko and I got married.” was the reply.

SLAP! “Get real Domon! Dream on! You’re in reality!!!” Fuuko said.  She put her hand behind her head and looked up.  “Isn’t there at least one second where he at least stops day dreaming?”

“OUCH!” Domon yelled. “That hurt.” He rubbed his cheek, and started mumbling.

Tokiya got up from his seat.  Everyone looked up at him. “Tokiya, what’s wrong?” Fuuko asked.

“I thought I just saw some members of the Uruha Kurenai and some ninjas with them.” Tokiya replied, his gaze not moving from where he saw what he thought he saw.

“That’s impossible. We haven’t encountered them for about four years now. Why would they wanna show up right now when they could’ve showed up any time again?” Recca pointed out. “That’s really impossible. Have you gone out of your mind, Mikagami?”

“Shut up, Recca!” Fuuko said, defending Tokiya. She raised an arm put it on Tokiya’s shoulder, slightly pushing him down, as a sign to relax and sit down. She told Tokiya, “All those college and studying stuff must’ve just worn you out and made you see things.”  She got up and massaged Tokiya’s shoulders.  “Just relax, Tokiya, don’t work too hard.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.  Thanks, Fuuko.”

“No problem.”

“What’s up with you, Fuuko.  Do you like him or something?”

“No.” Fuuko said.  “I’m just defending him because he’s my friend.”

“Well I’m your friend, too!” Recca whined.

“Shut up!” Fuuko said.  “Stop acting like a little kid!”

“But it looked so real.” Tokiya said.  “They looked so real.  Neon was there, and so were Aki and Miki, and other people, and a couple of ninja’s with their faces covered wearing black.

“If ever what Tokiya’s saying is true,” Domon said.  “We must be ready just in case they ever come back.”

“I agree.” Recca said.  “We have to tell Kaoru all about this, though.  He’s one of us, too, and he needs to know as well.”

Yanagi stopped eating and looked down.  “Yanagi, what’s wrong?” Domon asked.  Tears started to well up Yanagi’s eyes, and she started shaking.  Recca got up to hug her, which shattered Fuuko’s heart into millions of pieces.

“I’m scared.” Yanagi replied.  “They’re after me again.  They want to kill me.  I don’t want to be used as their animal anymore.  I don’t!” She buried her face on Recca’s shirt.  “I don’t want to be treated as an animal anymore! I hate it there! What do they want from me? I thought everything was over after we won the Urabutosatoujin.  What do they want from me!!!” she sobbed.

OK.  So Fuuko never really thought about love that much.  So she had a crush on Recca, which doesn’t really matter, right? Right?  Uh-oh!  But she just kept control of herself.  As a warrior, a member of the Hokage, and as Recca’s friend, she has to do what she thinks is right and not just think about Recca all the time.  Sometimes he just slips out of her mind, and she wouldn’t care less.

“It’s OK, Princess.  No matter what happens, I would always protect you.  That was my promise a long time ago, remember? I promised to protect you, and if I don’t I would die.  And I’m keeping that promise.” Recca said,

“Yeah.” Tokiya agreed.  “We would be here to protect you from the people who wants to use you.  All of us would protect you from harm.  Right?”

Recca clenched his hand and extended it.  “Let’s promise to protect Yanagi.” He said.

Domon put his hand on top of Recca’s and nodded, followed by Tokiya’s.  They all looked at Fuuko who took a longer time on putting her hand on top of Tokiya’s.  “Promise.” They all said in unison.

Yanagi cried tears of joy.  “Thank you.”  She said.  “I thank all of you so much!” Recca gave Yanagi’s hand a reassuring squeeze that she would be OK.  She smiled at him.  “Thank you, my Recca.”  She whispered.

Fuuko and Recca walked home together from the mall. They went there after classes just to have fun and eat out, since it was allowance day for the both of them. The others were supposed to go with them, too, but then they had other things to do and have planned something else, so it’s only Recca and Fuuko who went to the mall and enjoyed as much they could.  They watched the latest movie, ate at McDonalds, and sat down and talked for a while.

“Man am I stuffed!” Recca said.  “That was a good meal, eh, Fuuko?”

“Yeah! I sure had fun! The movie wasn’t bad either.  I just love action movies.” Fuuko uttered putting her arms up and behind her head, the one she usually does.  It was a comfortable position.

“I agree!” Recca said. “That movie ro---”

Ninja’s jumped out of nowhere, and blocked Fuuko’s and Recca’s way.  They made an on guard position, fists and all.  Fuuko and Recca prepared to fight, too.  They were also both ready.  Fuuko counted the number of ninjas who were dressed in black.  There were twenty-five of them all in all, but then it wasn’t that easy to see them, because they were wearing black clothing, and there were a few light posts on the street and the moon’s light helping them see a little.  Recca expected them to break up and fight whoever they wanted to fight, but was surprised to see them all headed to Fuuko.  She was out numbered.

“Don’t just stand there, Recca!” Fuuko snapped while punching one of the ninjas.  “Help me!”  One of the ninjas pinned her roughly on one of the lamp posts along the street, and held her by the throat, choking her.  Fuuko winced in pain.  She punched and kicked one of the ninjas attacking her leaving him rolling down the dirt.

Some ninjas attacked Recca.  He called out Rui.  The dragon “multiplied” Recca, making the enemies confused, and making them be ready, just in case one of the Recca’s attacked them.  Then Recca called out Nadare.  Fire shot out of Recca’s palm, hitting five ninjas in a split second.  Others were too fast and dodged from Nadare’s fire.  One of the ninjas snuck up from behind him, and jumped on him.  Recca and the ninja were on the street, wrestling.  He gave the ninja a punch on the stomach.  The ninja winced, but he was still strong enough, and got up, kicking Recca everywhere in the body.

Five ninjas went to Fuuko and one of them held her tight.  Too tight she couldn’t move freely.  Another one slapped her in the face and pulled her hair, and the rest attacked her, making her wince and scream.  The one who was slapping her drew a Samurai’s sword.  She noticed most of them have it, and her eyes grew wide when she saw him drawing a sword.  He then slashed Fuuko on her right arm, making her scream even louder.

“I’m gonna make you die, Yanagi!” The ninja who slashed Fuuko said.  “Master Kouran wants you.”

“Recca!” Fuuko yelled.  “Are you OK?”  The Slasher slashed Fuuko’s left arm, making her scream again.

“FUUKO!!!!!” Recca said, coughing.  The ninja who was kicking him kicked him twice as hard, and another one joined his friend.  Recca called Saiha, and a fire blade appeared on his arm protector.  He gashed the face of both men who were kicking him, making them screech in pain, and making each of their half of their face bleed.  Then he punched them in the face, and kicked them as hard as he could, making the both of them flip in the air before landing hard on the ground.  He was angry at them for hurting him, and hurting Fuuko...  FUUKO!!! Oh no! I was too busy hurting them I completely forgot about Fuuko!   Recca turned around, and saw five ninjas surrounding her.  And one was ready to stab her in the stomach.

“FUUKO!!!!” Recca screamed.  “FUUKO!!!!!”

The ninja stabbed her in the stomach before Recca could stop him; He wasn’t quick enough because he was injured himself.  The next thing Recca saw, was his friend dropping to the ground.

“NOOOO!!!!!!” He screamed.  “Leave her alone!!!”  He ran to where Fuuko was lying, and where the evil ninjas were standing.  Fuuko’s eyes were wide open.  She was breathing heavily, and a tear rushed down her face.  The pain was excruciating.  Her wounds looked bad, and she and Recca was scared that she might die.  She herself knew she needed rest, so she just closed her eyes and would just wait for what’s going to happen next.

Fuuko opened her eyes slowly.  Everything was blurry.  Where am I? She asked herself.  Is this the otherside?  Where am I? Her vision became better and she could see clearly.  The first thing she saw was Recca, and she smiled at him.  “Recca?” She asked.  “Is that you?”

Recca was holding her hand, and he sighed in relief.  “Yes, Fuuko, it’s me.”

Fuuko’s smile became wider.  “Man, are you a sight for sore eyes!”  She moved a little bit then winced.  “Agh!”
Recca eased her a bit.  “It’s OK.  Relax.  Just relax.  You need some rest.  The doctor said you’ll be OK.  You just need a little rest.”

“What happened?” Fuuko asked curiously.  “The last thing I remember was... was... I blacked out.”

“Yeah.” Recca said.  “Well, I took care of them.”

Fuuko’s bluish, warm, tired eyes on Recca’s dark grey ones turned into panicked, huge, terrified ones.  Recca noticed them immediately.

“Fuuko, what’s wrong?”  Recca asked.

“Yanagi.” Fuuko said.  “Yanagi.”

“The Princess?” Recca asked his hand loosening from Fuuko’s.  “What about the Princess?”

“The... the guy who stabbed me... thought I was Yanagi... and.. and... and said Kuran wanted me, b.. because he thought I was Yanagi.” Fuuko stammered and said quickly.  “They must be looking for her, and---and... they might be in school looking for her.”

Recca’s eyes grew wide.  “Oh no!”

“And Tokiya or Domon might not be with her.” Fuuko finished.  “We must go to the school, now!”

“No.” Recca said getting up.  “I’ll go.. alone.”

“No you’re not!”

“But you’re weak.  You’re not feeling good.” Recca said.

“I feel great!” Fuuko lied sternly.  “Now let’s go! It’s either you’re coming with me or not coming at all!”

“B.. but..”

“No buts!” Fuuko interrupted.  She got up from bed flinching from the wound, then she ripped off the dextrose from her skin, and went with Recca.

Meanwhile, one ninja escaped from the fight, and reported everything to Kuran.  “Master Kuran.” He began.  “We failed to get Yanagi Sakoshita who was with Recca.”

Kuran banged his fists on the table.  “WHAT!” He exclaimed.  “She’s pathetic! Helpless! Why couldn’t you get her!?”

“She wasn’t helpless at all, sir.” The ninja reasoned out.  “She was strong.  But she got out numbered and blacked out.  I tried to get her, but then her ninja friend fought all of us.  Before I could die, I ran away.”

“How exactly did that girl look like?” Kuran asked narrowing his eyes.

“She had short, red hair, and was very good at fighting, although since she was outnumbered she couldn’t stand a chance.”

“FOOLS!” Kuran screamed.  “That’s not Yanagi Sakoshita! That was Fuuko Kirisawa! Go find Yanagi!!! NOW!!! Or maybe I should just come with you so you wouldn’t have any mistakes this time.  And bring Shozen with us.” He narrowed his eyes and had a sly smile glued on his face, then he laughed devilishly.

“Yes, sir!”

Yanagi went to the top floor of their school and went out to where the roof was.  She closed her eyes and felt the cool breeze through her face.  Then she felt a pair of hands touch her arms.  “Recca..” She sighed.  She opened her eyes quickly and was surprised to see a big man with big muscles gripping her whole arm, twisting it and making Yanagi wince.  A helicopter stopped by, and Kuran Mori stepped out of it.

“Ahh,” Kuran said making his way towards Yanagi.  “How nice to see you again, Ms. Sakoshita.  After a very long time.  I noticed you have gotten prettier.”

Yanagi spat at Kuran.  “What do you care!” She said angrily.  She tried to get out of the muscled man’s grip, but she was too weak.  “Let me go!!”

“It wasn’t very nice of you to spit at me, Ms. Sakoshita!” Kuran snapped, and slapped Yanagi on the face.

“That’s not a very nice way to treat a lady.” Recca said silently and coldly.
A gust of wind, controlled by Fuuko, of course, passed around them, making the dust go away and giving the enemies a clear view.  Tokiya stood there ready with his ensui, then Fuuko, Recca with Saiha’s blade out, followed by Domon, then Kaoru Kogenai with his Adamantine Blade, Face six.

“Recca!” Yanagi smiled, tears in her eyes.

“Hello Princess!” Recca greeted her, returning her smile.  Then his smile faded, and he turned to Kuran.  “Let her go.”

“Not with a fight we’re not.” Kuran replied.  “Go!”

Numerous ninjas appeared everywhere, but Kuran snuck up into his chopper and left, leaving his ninjas and the Hokage team fighting.

“Be careful with these guys!” Fuuko warned Tokiya and Domon.  “They’re a lot stronger than you think.”

“So that’s what they’ve been doing for the past years... working out.” Domon said while punching one of the ninjas near him.  “But I think we can take ‘em.”

Tokiya was in a sword fight with one of the ninjas, while Fuuko blocking herself from both her opponents attacks, before blowing them away with her fuujin.  Domon punched the floor causing his rival to lose his balance and fall down, giving Domon time to attack.  Kaoru was busy, too with two of the ninjas picking on him.

“Hey you guys!” Kaoru whined.  “Give me a break here! Just because I’m younger than the others!” He attacked them with the help of his weapon after a few minutes his rivals lay on the floor.  “That oughta teach you guys never to underestimate me!”

One of the ninjas punched Recca on the face really hard, making him fall down.  He got up immediately and slashed those coming his way with Saiha’s blade.  “Come and get me!” he yelled.

One of the ninjas noticed Fuuko’s wound on her stomach and decided to attack her with his stick.  But before he could hit her, she punched in his direction.  A strong air hit him, making him fall off the edge.  “Take that, you moron!” Fuuko yelled.  Five more ninjas headed her way, but before they even came near her, she commanded the wind to blow them off in separate ways, and that’s what happened.  But she didn’t notice one of them who snuck up behind her, and when she turned around, that ninja hit her in the stomach with a stick and made her fall back.  The pain was tormenting, especially with her wound that hasn’t healed yet.  Tokiya saw her and ran to her, stabbing the person who did this to Fuuko with his ensui.  They both glanced at the ninja who was turning to ice.

“Are you OK?” Tokiya asked Fuuko.

“Yeah,” Fuuko said breathing heavily.  “I’m--aaaaggghhh!!! I’m.. fine.” She forced herself to smile.  “I’ll be OK, go on.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, yes!” Fuuko assured him.  “Go on!”

After spending about 45 minutes of fighting, they have finally defeated the ninjas, with a few bruises.

“That wasn’t so hard, now, was it?” Domon asked.

“Are you talking to yourself?” Kaoru asked him.  “I got a brand new black eye and you say it wasn’t so hard!?”

“They were stronger.” Tokiya said.  He glanced at Fuuko who was sitting beside him.  “Are you OK?”

“Yeah.  It doesn’t hurt... that... much... any... more.”  Fuuko replied.  “Well, it’s the battle between that big guy and Recca.  Great! We can’t do anything but just sit here with these... bodies... and watch.”

“Give me back the Princess, you big ape!” Recca yelled to his opponent.  “NOW! Or you’ll be sorry!”

“You mean this witch?” Mr. Big Ape said, slapping Yanagi on the face.

“Uugh!” Yanagi winced.

“OK, that’s it! You made me MAD!!!” Recca screamed.  He wrote a letter in kanji in the air.  “NADARE!!!!!!” Fire blasted out of Recca’s palm, nearly hitting Mr. Big Ape, but he dodged before Nadare’s fire could hit him.

“My turn!” Big Ape said.  He got his psychic device, which was an oversized hatchet.  “One little cut from this hatchet, and you die.  It’s very poisonous, you know... unless of course... you can get the antidote from me.  But you can’t! I won’t let you, and I won’t give it to you.”  He tried to hit Recca with his weapon, but Recca was able to dodge away from it.

“Hey, you overgrown gorilla!” Recca yelled.  “Everyone knows you can’t beat me!”

“Stop calling me that!!! My name is Shozen!” Shozen said, beginning to get pissed.  He was still trying to hit Recca with his weapon, but Recca was too fast.  Finally, he got annoyed.  He had to hit that boastful kid somehow.  Shozen reached in his pocket, then got a small brown pouch.  He opened it and poured it’s contents on his hand, which was sand.  He chased Recca until he was close enough, and threw the sand at Recca’s eyes.

“Oh no! Recca! Watch out!!!” Yanagi cried out from the corner she was standing in.  “REEEECA!!!!!”

“OWWW!!!!!!” Recca bellowed.  “My eyes!! I can’t see!!”  He moved his head from side to side.  “Darn it! I can’t see!!!”

“Oh no! Recca!!” Fuuko yelled from the spot she was in.  “Tokiya we have to help him, somehow!”

“We can’t.” Tokiya said calmly.  “It’s his fight.”

“Yeah, but then if we don’t, there’s a possibility that he might die.” Fuuko replied.

“He wants it that way, Fuuko.” Domon said.  “You know him.”

“If he dies, he dies with honor.” Tokiya uttered.

“I don’t care!” Fuuko replied stubbornly.  “I---”

Fuuko was interrupted by Recca’s scream of pain.  He got hit by the blade of Shozen’s weapon.

“Recca!!!” Yanagi squealed.  “Oh no! My Recca!  He’s hurt.” She was about to run to him and heal him, but Shozen stopped her.  “Don’t you have a heart! My Recca’s in trouble and I have to help him!”  Shozen slapped her in the face.

“That would teach you to shut up for a minute!” Shozen roared.  “Now stay there and be quiet!  You don’t belong here!”

“How could you be so heartless!” Yanagi said with a bleeding lip and a swollen cheek lying on the floor.

“Princess!” Recca shouted rubbing his eyes.  “Where are you? Are you OK?”

Shozen dropped his weapon on the floor, then picked the “blind” Recca up by the neck, and did a head bang, making Recca “fly” in the air and slamming him against the hard concrete.

“That’s gotta hurt.” Kaoru said wincing.

“Uh-huh.” Domon said.

Recca rubbed his eyes again and could finally see what was happening.  Shozen picked his hatchet up.  “The poison must be making its way through your whole body now.” Shozen said cruely.

Recca tried to move and get up, but he couldn’t.  He was paralyzed.

Shozen grinned evily.  “Now’s the time for you to die.  Say good-bye to all your friends before I kill you.”

Recca lay still on the floor looking at all of his friends, and gave them one last look.  Mikagami.  The serious guy, who was still grieving from his sister’s death.  Domon.  The chivalrous one in the team.  Koganei, hmm... the youngest one in the team... he was really brave and cool... not to mention he could really get into things... and there was.... Fuuko.  The only female fighter in the team.  I could never forget her.  We’ve been friends ever since we were kids, she’s really brave, not to mention someone who seemed to be there when people needed her.  Everyone respected Fuuko.  For who she was.  Pretty.  Nice.  Well, I guess that about wraps it up.  Recca closed his eyes slowly.  I’ll miss you guys.  Then he opened his eyes... the Princess.  How can he forget the Princess.  Princess.  I’m sorry I couldn’t be strong enough to protect you.  Since I couldn’t I’m losing my life in about five seconds.  I hope Mikagami would be able to protect you when I’m gone.  Then he closed his eyes slowly again.

“Done saying your good-byes?” Shozen asked Recca rudely.  Recca shut his eyes.  Shozen lifted his hatchet ready to slice Recca in half.

The rest looked at Shozen and the soon-to-be-dead Recca in despair.

“Oh no.” Domon said nervously.  “He’s gonna die.  He can’t.  He’s too young.”

“He was probably meant to die.” Tokiya said.

“Well whether he is meant to die or not, I am not allowing him to die!” Fuuko said.  She ran passed Recca who was lying down, his eyes open, waiting for whatever was going to happen.  She saw him trying to move, but in despair.  She ran passed Shozen.  “FUUJIN!!!! WIND CUTTER!” Fuuko shouted.  After a few seconds, just when Shozen was about to kill Recca, his hatchet shattered into millions of pieces.

“You’ll pay for this!” Shozen yelled at Fuuko, pointing at her.  He was ready to attack her using his own hands, but then something happened.  All of a sudden Shozen became weak and kneeled down.  Then he found out he had a small wound in his wrist, and he was getting weaker.  “How did I get this?” He asked panicking.  “Who cares.  I still have the antidote with me.  He reached down in his pocket.  Nothing.

“Yooohooo!!!” Fuuko said waving a brown pouch in the air.  “Looking for this?”

“Give me that!” Shozen roared.  “NOW!”

“Sorry.” Fuuko said, grinning evily.  “It belongs to someone else who deserves to live longer.”  She opened the pouch.  There was a small bottle with clear liquid inside it.  She kneeled down next to Recca, and put his head on her lap, letting him drink the antidote.  In a minute Recca became strong again.

Recca walked up to Shozen and punched him countless of times, making him fall down the seven-story school, but he was able to hang on before he fell.  “You don’t deserve to live.” Recca said.  Yanagi ran next to Recca and hugged him.  Recca stepped on Shozen’s fingers so he’d fall off and die.  Shozen finally let go but then he grabbed Yanagi.  Both of them fell off the building.

“Recca! Help me!” Yanagi screamed, while she was falling off the seven-story building of their school.  “Heeelp!!! Recca!”

“Princess!!!!!!!!!!” Recca screamed.  He was about to jump down and called Madoka, but it was too late.  Yanagi’s body smashed against the hard ground, killing her. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”  Recca screamed.  He rushed down together with the others.  And ran to where Yanagi and Shozen were lying down.  He lifted Yanagi’s head.  A tear from Recca’s eyes just dropped on her cheek, which made her open her eyes.

“Recca.” Yanagi whispered weakly.  Scratches were in her face, and some were bleeding.  “I’m not going to make it, am I?”

“No!” Recca said.  “Don’t say that! You will! You will make it, Princess.  We’ll take you to the hospital right now.”

Lots of people surrounded them and the Hokage team.

“I don’t think so.  Just don’t blame yourself.  I know you will, but, please... please don’t.” Tears were flowing down Yanagi’s face.  “Don’t blame yourself, Recca... do it for me.” She looked at the Hokage team, from Tokiya, then Fuuko, Domon, then Kaoru.  All of them had a sad look in their faces.  “Fuuko?”

Fuuko looked at her sympathetically.  How could I have been so mean to her? She’s my friend.  But I only realized that she was a great friend when she’s dying. She thought.  She walked to where Yanagi was, and held her hand.  Yanagi motioned her to come closer, and she whispered something in Fuuko’s ear, making Fuuko looked surprised.  “What!?” Fuuko exclaimed.  “I can’t---”

“Please...” Yanagi begged.

Tears were flowing down Fuuko’s face. She gripped Yanagi’s hand tighter.  “Don’t leave us.... Yanagi, don’t leave us....”

Yanagi glanced at Tokiya’s tall figure.  He was standing there, and anger and sadness were in his eyes, and his hands .  “Tokiya...” she said, getting weaker and weaker.  “Do this for me... please... don’t... do anything harmful to Recca... it’s not his fault... no... one... is responsible... for this...”

“But it’s his fault.” Tokiya said through gritted teeth.  “He swore to protect you.  He shouldn’t have made any promises that he couldn’t keep!”  He clenched his fists harder, that his knuckles blanched.  “It’s your fault, Recca!”

Recca looked down guiltily.  “I’m sorry...”

“Well sorry can’t change anything!!” Tokiya said angrily.

“SHUT UP!!!” Fuuko yelled.  “Just shut up... please!”

Tokiya sighed.  “Forgive me.”
 “Kaoru, Domon... you guys be good boys.” Yanagi continued.  Fuuko.. promise me.. you will... OK?”
 Fuuko, still crying, nodded.  “I promise.”
 “I love you guys... and thank you... thank you... for... trying so hard... to protect... me...” Yanagi’s voice trailed off.
 Fuuko gripped Yanagi’s hand tighter.  Yanagi looked at Fuuko, and told her to lift her shirt.  Her wound was exposed and Yanagi healed it.  She healed all of their wounds, and gave Fuuko’s hand one last squeeze, and her hand loosened.  Yanagi’s body grew limp in Recca’s arms.  Recca screamed mournfully.

 “She was one of my friends...” Fuuko said.  “She was one of my friends and now she’s gone.”
 “I can’t believe it.” Domon said.  “It seems to be so... different... now that she’s gone.”
 It has been one month since Yanagi’s death, but they were still stunned.  They were at the back of the school, their hang out place after classes were dismissed.  There was a certain spot, which was under a big bushy tree.
 Fuuko glanced at Tokiya.  He was leaning against the tree trunk, serious as usual, and then at Recca who was on the otherside of the trunk.  Recca looked like he hasn’t slept for a whole week.  He had huge eye bags, and he looked really pale.  “I’m worried about those two.” Fuuko said referring to Tokiya and Recca.  “They haven’t spoken to each other ever since, and if they did all they ever do is argue.  And they’re still grieving from Yanagi’s... death.  I miss her... I do... I really do.”
 “Can I ask you something?” Domon asked Fuuko.  Fuuko nodded.
 “I was wondering,” Domon started.  “What did Yanagi whisper to you?”
 Fuuko looked at Recca and kept her eyes glued to him.  “She... she said to take care of Recca... and... and make sure that Tokiya and him doesn’t fight and blame each other for her... umm.. her... you know.”
 “Well, it’s his fault.” Tokiya grumbled loud enough for Recca to hear.  “Yanagi would still have been alive if it weren’t for that moron!”
 Recca got up from his side of the trunk and walked over at Tokiya.  “So now I’m the bad guy?” He asked.
 “Yeah!” Tokiya snapped.  “If it hadn’t been for you, Yanagi would’ve been here with us right now, sitting there and chatting with Fuuko!”
 “Well, what could you have done to save her?” Recca said.
 “Don’t turn this back on me!” Tokiya said defensively.  “I was way far behind.  You were inches away from her.  And that was the second time I lost someone I loved thanks to you.  You just made my life even worse!!!”
 Both of them were arguing at the same time, saying the things they wanted to say to each other at the same time.  Fuuko was getting annoyed.  She got up, grabbed her knapsack, and stood between the both of them.  Then she slapped Recca on the face, then Tokiya.  “I’ve had it with the both of you!” She yelled at them.  “Solve your own problems.” Then she looked up at the sky.  “Sorry, Yanagi, but then I’m giving up! I can’t stand the both of them anymore! It’s their problem that they can’t get along well! I tried, but I failed.  Sorry I have to break my promise!”
 Recca and Tokiya kept quiet and watched Fuuko walk away and go to another spot of the school’s field and sat under one of the trees which hasn’t been occupied by anyone.  She grabbed her Mini Discman and listened to it, making the volume full blast so she couldn’t hear anyone who was trying to speak to her.
 “Why don’t both of you stop fighting for once?” Domon asked the two guys.  “Look what you did? You made the girl upset.”
 “He started it!” Recca said.
 “I did?” Tokiya asked.  “NO you did!”
 “SHUT UP!!” Domon said.  “Now I know how Fuuko feels like... she’d probably feel even worse... she’s the one who made the promise.  I’ll see you guys.”

 The phone in Fuuko’s room rang, but she was too mad, upset, and just plainly too lazy to answer it.  “Hi! You’ve reached Fuuko’s phone.  Sorry I’m not here right now.  Please leave your message after the beep, Thanks for calling.” the answering machine said with Fuuko’s voice.
 “Hey Fuuko.” Recca’s voice sounded dull, unlike before which was really hyper.  “Well, I just wanted to apologize---”
 Fuuko picked the phone up.  “What do you want?” she snapped.
 “Hi!” Recca said.  “I just wanted to apologize for, well, today... and the other days.  I’m just.. upset about... something.. and I think you know what it is.”
 Fuuko’s angry voice became a soft, quiet one.  “Yeah, I do.  Hey, listen.  Do you wanna come over? I could use some company around here.”
 “Umm...” Recca thought.  “Yeah, sure.  I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”
 “I’ll see you.”

 After a few minutes there was a knock on the door of Fuuko’s room.  “Come in! It’s open!” Fuuko called out.
 The door opened and Recca came in.  “Hi.” He said bluntly.
 “Seriously.  I really think you need to get some sleep, Recca.  When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror?” Fuuko said.
 “Thanks,” Recca uttered.  “But... I’m too upset to actually think of how I look right now.”
 Fuuko patted the space beside her on her bed, motioning Recca to sit.  Recca sat down.  “I can’t believe it.  I can’t believe she’s gone.” He said.  “She just... left us.  She seemed to be the person who was gonna have one of those long lives, Fuuko.  She seemed to be so happy, and she seemed to be liked by everyone.  And this happens.  I loved her... and I still do but I never even got the chance to tell her that.”
 “I’m sure she knows that.  She loved you, too.  She loved you with all of her heart.” Fuuko told him, even if it hurts.
 “Are you sure?” Recca asked.
 “Definitely.” Fuuko replied.
 “Do you think I was to be blamed for her death? I mean, maybe Tokiya was right.  I swore to protect her, and if I didn’t, I’d die.  Maybe I should die.”  Recca said quietly and guiltily.
 “What!?” Fuuko exclaimed.  “No! Of course not! You shouldn’t! Are you insane, Recca? Look.  Yanagi’s... umm.. well.. she’s... she’s dead.  But that doesn’t mean you should die because you think that it’s your fault.  Some people lose the people they love the most, but they don’t wanna die.  They just move on with their lives.  Which is what you should do.  Move on.  Go on with your life and see what happens.  You’ll get over her.. death.  And then you’ll go on with your life.  I mean, who knows.  There’s probably another girl out there... whom you’d love.”
 “It takes time to get over someone.”  Recca said.  “I wanna die now! I wanna commit suicide!!”  He got Fuuko’s glass of water which was on her side table, beside the phone and threw it to the wall, making a smashing sound.  The glass shattered into hundreds of pieces and water splashed everywhere wetting the floor and the wall.
 “I know... Tokiya knows that, too.” Fuuko said, placing her hand on Recca’s trying to calm him down.  Tears rushed down Fuuko’s face, but she wiped them immediately.  “Hey.  I lost her, too.  And she was one of my very good friends.  Recca, please don’t die or commit suicide.  I need you in this world we live in.  You’re one of my dearest friends, and I love you.”
 What Fuuko said made Recca’s blood temperature high, and made his pulse race.  She just said she loved me.  OK.  But as a friend.  But she just said she loved me.  Recca thought.  She said she needed me.  She said I was one of her dearest... friends.  She said she loved me and she needed me.  “That was the niceset thing anyone has ever said to me.” Recca told Fuuko calming down.  “Thank you.”
 Fuuko put her arms around him.  “Just relax, OK? No one wants you dead.  You’ll just cause a chain reaction, so don’t.  I care about you and so does Domon, Tokiya and Kaoru, Recca.  So don’t kill yourself.  And I’m sure that’s not what Yanagi wants either.”
 Recca wrapped his arms around Fuuko and hugged her back.  “Yeah.  Maybe your right.  I’ll give life a second chance.  I’ll see if things work out with me and life.”  I never knew Fuuko could actually be such a good friend.  I’ll treasure this moment forever.
 “Yeah.” Fuuko said grinning up at him.  “Good.  Hey, can I ask you something?”
 “Sure.” Recca said.  “What is it?”
 “Would you feel bad if I died?” Fuuko asked curiously.
 “What? Fuuko, are you kidding?” Recca said smiling.
 “What? You’re not gonna feel bad?” Fuuko asked hurt.  But she didn’t show it in her voice.  “Gee, thanks.”
 “I’d go crazy!” Recca replied.  “I’d go completely insane! No one could ever make me feel better.  Not even my own mother.  I’d lock myself up in my room and not eat for days!”
 “Really?” Fuuko said stunned.  He’d actually act that way when I’m dead? It’s even worse than Yanagi... oh no!!! Did I have to remind myself?
 “Yeah.” Recca replied.  “How about you, Fuuko? Would you shed any tears if I died?”
 Fuuko looked at him in the eye, then she looked down, and nodded shyly.  Then Yanagi popped out in her mind, and she started crying.  Why did you have to leave so soon, Yanagi? You were too young to die.  You weren’t even that much experienced in life.  I miss you so much.  I really miss you... I wish you were here.  I actually miss you!
 “Hey,” Recca said softly, nudging Fuuko in the ribs.  “Are you OK?”
 “Huh?” Fuuko asked innocently.  She rubbed her eyes as quickly as she could.  “What are you talking about?”
 “C’mon, Fuuko!” Recca said.  “The last thing you can actually do is fool me! What’s up?”
 Tears flowed down Fuuko’s cheeks again, and she can’t hide them from Recca any longer.  “Yanagi.” She said quietly.  “I miss her.  She was a really great friend and we did lots of things together.  And she just leaves me in this world... alone.  I’d always remember the last time she ever healed me.”
 Recca put his arm around Fuuko and cuddled her.  “Hey, it’s OK.  It’s OK.” He said softly, wiping her tears with his free hand.
 Another tear rolled down Fuuko’s cheek, but she wiped it immediately.  She looked at her slightly wet fingers.  “Hm.  I’m crying.”
 “It’s OK.” Recca said softly kissing her forehead.  “You don’t have to act tough around me.”
 “I just can’t believe it.” Fuuko said.  “She was the person whom I usually opened up to.  And now who does she expect me to run to when I need someone.”
  “Well, I know it sounds kind of strange,” Recca said. “But, well, umm... you can turn to me if you don’t have anyone else to turn to you know?”
 Fuuko managed a smile.  “Thanks.”
 “Well, it’s getting late.  I guess I should be going.” Recca said.
 “Are you sure you don’t wanna stay for dinner? ‘Cuz if you want, you could always, you know.” Fuuko said.
 “Nah.” Recca said.  “I think I’ll pass tonight.”
 Both of them got up from the bed and Fuuko brought him outside.  “Well, I’ll see you.” She said.
 “Yeah.” Recca replied.  He waved at Fuuko then walked his way home.

 Recca tucked himself into bed and looked at the stars for a few minutes, then closed his eyes.  Comfort.  That’s what I felt when Fuuko helped me with my problem.  She told me that death wasn’t the answer to every problem there was in life.  She told me to move on with life, because there are still so much things that could happen to me.  For one second she actually made me forget about the bad things that can’t seem to get out of my head.  After a few minutes, he dozed off.

* * * One Year Later * * *

 The school bell rang and Fuuko and her classmates quickly packed up their bags.
 “Don’t forget to do your homework!” The teacher said.  “It’s due on Monday! Class dismissed!!”
 “Yeah, yeah!” Fuuko mumbled putting her Calculus book in her knapsack.  “That’s double for me!”
 Recca grinned at Fuuko while stuffing his things in his bag.  “Thanks Fuuko! You’re my best friend.  Didn’t anyone ever tell you that?”
 “Yeah, yeah!” Fuuko repeated walking out of the room.
 Recca walked beside Fuuko and nudged her.  “Hey, I was wondering...”
 “What is it now?” Fuuko asked and turned to him.
 “Wanna go to the park tomorrow or something?” Recca asked.  “Tomorrow night... Umm.. I’ll pick you up.... around... five?”
 Fuuko frowned and looked from the left to the right.  “Are you asking me out?” She wondered aloud.
 “Uhh... no.” Recca said.  “Just a.. umm.. well... Just a friendship.. kinda thing.  But it’s a date...”
 “Well, it doesn’t sound very “friendly”.  We don’t do that every day.  The usual thing is either you go to my house, or I go to yours, watch a movie or something, stay over night, or probably stay for dinner.” Fuuko said.  “Hmm... let me think first.. OK.”
 “So you’ll go?”
 Fuuko nodded.  “Uh-huh.  But.. let’s just meet there.”
 “Cool.” Recca said.  He tilted his head sideways as a sign for them to go.

 Fuuko arrived at the park and looked around to see if Recca had arrived, but she didn’t see any sign of him.  She decided to sit down while waiting for Recca.
 After a few minutes Fuuko saw a man walking towards her, and he sat beside her.  “Hi.” He greeted her.
 Fuuko just smiled at the stranger.  For some reason, his voice sounded familiar.  She kept on thinking where she heard the man’s voice before.  Probably in the radio station I listen to... nah! It couldn’t be.  Where could I have seen him? When Fuuko was about to turn around, she felt a rope wrap around her neck, and was getting tighter, choking her.  Her eyes grew wide.  It’s that guy who nearly killed me after Recca and I watched the movie! It’s one of Kuran’s men! She held the rope that was wrapped around her throat violently, trying to loosen it, but in vain.
 “Hi! Surprised to see me?” The man whispered pulling the rope tightly.  “Aww! You seem to be so helpless without that little weapon of yours, huh?”
 Fuuko made a fist and hit the man with her elbow.  The man winced and kneeled down, with one hand on his ribs.  Fuuko got the rope away from her neck and threw it.  “Not quite!” She said.  “Give it up! I’m not some helpless girl, and never ever underestimate me! Now leave me alone!”
 “I’m not giving up that easy.  If it weren’t for you, my friend would still be alive.” The man grumbled getting up.
 Fuuko kicked the man on the face.  “If it weren’t for your friend, my friend would have still been alive!” Fuuko screamed.  Luckily there weren’t any people around yet.  “Yanagi would have still been alive if it weren’t for your stupid friend!!” Fuuko yelled over and over again, kicking him.
 Recca turned the engine of his car off.  He saw a familiar figure... Fuuko.. kicking someone.  He quickly got out of his car, locking it, and ran to where Fuuko was.  He heard Fuuko scream at the guy.  “Fuuko? Is that you?” He asked.
 “If I didn’t get the antidote from your friend, BOTH of the people whom I really care about would’ve been dead.  But then it doesn’t make a difference, does it? Because Yanagi’s dead, too!!! ALL THANKS TO THAT STUPID FRIEND OF YOURS!!!” She kicked him ten times as hard as before, that the man lay still, and Fuuko dropped to the ground helplessly.
 “Hey, Fuuko.” Recca said sitting next to her.  “Relax.” He wrapped his arms around her.
 “He tried to kill me, saying it’s my fault that Shozen guy died.  It’s his fault my friend is dead! It’s his fault... It’s his fault... It’s his fault! He’s the one---”
 “Shhh...” Recca put his index finger on Fuuko’s lips.  “C’mon.  Let’s go to my house.”

 Fuuko sat on Recca’s bed.  “Darn that guy! Darn him! Darn both him and his dead friend!”
 “Hey, calm down! It’s over.” Recca said.
 “I don’t care!” Fuuko snapped.  “His friend was the one who killed my friend!!!” She lay down on Recca’s bed and looked at his side table.  There was a frame, but it was face down.  Fuuko wondered who it was in that frame.  He put it face down when they went in, and she wasn’t able to see who it was.  Hmm.. it must be Yanagi... he probably didn’t want to hurt me and himself.. but why just now? Fuuko thought.  Then she reached out and opened the drawer of the desk.  Yanagi’s picture lay there, abandoned.  On top of it was an envelope which says “Princess” written with Recca’s handwriting.  She got the envelope and opened it.  Inside there was a letter, and she read it.  It said:
 “Dear Princess,
  I’m writing this to you and was planning to bring it to your grave as  soon as I could.  I don’t really know how to break this to you,  but then,  well, I kinda fell in love with Fuuko.  OK, this may sound weird, because  for how many years that I’ve known Fuuko, well, I haven’t really seen what  she really is  until... well, until this day when I went to her house.  Please  believe me,  that I really couldn’t get over you when you... died.  I’m sorry  I couldn’t protect you, Princess.  I know I promised I would, but I didn’t.  I  hope you can forgive me.  But I know that wherever you are, you must be  very happy.  Fuuko helped me get over you.  She told me lots of things  that made me feel better.  She told me that death wasn’t really the answer  to all the problems I had in life.  She said the nicest thing anyone has ever  told me before.  She said she didn’t want me to die because she needed  me in  this world we lived in, and she said that she cared about me, and  she loved me as a friend.  Then I realized that I needed her, too. I just  wanted to say how sorry I was that I couldn’t protect you.  So right now,  I’m going to try to win Fuuko’s heart, before any other guy goes to her and  does my part.  I will try my best to start my life all over again, and this time  I want to do it right.  But even when you’re gone, Princess, I would always  love you still, deep in my heart, and I will always remember you, from now  and forever.

your Recca-kun

 After reading it, Fuuko put it back into the envelope.  If Yanagi’s picture is in here... then who’s... She closed the drawer.  Recca was still in the bathroom, and the shower was on.  She grabbed the frame and the person in the picture shocked her.  It was her.  It was her smiling.
 Recca came out of the bathroom and shut the door behind him.  His hair was damp and he was wearing a towel around his waist.  Fuuko looked up at him, and showed him her picture.  Recca blushed beet red.
 “What’s this doing here?” Fuuko asked him.
 Phew! At least she’s not mad.. Recca thought.  “Uhh...”
 “It’s OK.” Fuuko said.  “You don’t have to answer that.  It’s just a stupid question.  I just wanted to know.”
 Recca walked to his closet and grabbed some clothes then went back to the bathroom.  After a few minutes he came out wearing shorts and a loose shirt... his pajamas.  “I don’t know, Fuuko.  It’s just that.. ever since it happened... you seem to have always been there for me, and you made me feel a lot better and everything, and I slowly... liked... you.”
 Fuuko nodded understandingly.  “So what will happen now?”
 “Will you start going out with me?” Recca asked quickly, hoping she wouldn’t understand what he just said.
 Fuuko slowly nodded.
 Recca’s eyes grew wide.  “Really? You mean it?”  When he saw Fuuko nod her head and smiling, he hugged her.  “Thanks Fuuko! You’re a real pal--I mean...” he blushed.
 “It’s OK, Recca!” Fuuko laughed.  “Really.  It takes some time getting used to stuff.”

 Everything was going great between the new couple.  They started walking in school hand in hand the next day.  “Are you guys . . . on?” One schoolmate of theirs asked.
 Fuuko and Recca looked each other and nodded.  “OH.” The girl replied.  “Hi.  My name is Hatsue.  I’m working on the school newspaper, and I interview different people.  So would you mind if I interview you for the Valentines issue?”
 “No.” Fuuko replied.
 “Great!” Hatsue said.  She grabbed a pen and paper from her knapsack.  “So.  Are you newly on?”
 Recca nodded.  “Umm.. yeah.  Just two nights ago.”
 “Really?” Hatsue looked from Recca to Fuuko.  “That was fast.  So how long have you known each other?”
 “You answer that.” Recca told Fuuko.
 Fuuko smiled at him.  “OK.  Well, we’ve known each other since we were kids.  Which was quite a looong time ago, don’t you think?”
 “That’s so cute!” Hatsue told the both of them.  “Were you lovebirds then?”
 “No!” Fuuko and Recca said in unison.  “We hated each other.” Fuuko continued.  “All we ever did was fight, as in.. physically hurting each other.  It was cool, though.  I mean, it was really fun fighting with him.  But then I slowly got sick of it while we were growing up, but then he just loved it even more.  He promised me that if I’d win in sparring he’d be my ninja.  But then someone else became his Princess, and I just didn’t say anything.  I just got pissed.”
 “Oh.” Hatsue uttered.  She looked at Recca and asked, “So.. who’s the Princess?”
 “Umm.. she... she past away a year ago.” Recca said.
 Hatsue’s eyes grew wide.  “You mean... the girl who fell off the roof a year ago? Yanagi Sakoshita?”
 Fuuko looked down, guiltily, and nodded.  “Yeah.” She said quietly.
 “Don’t you guys feel a little . . . umm . . . guilty?” Hatsue asked.  “No offense or anything like that.”
 “None taken.  Well,” Recca started.  “We kinda do, but then nothing could bring Yanagi back to life.  If she’s dead.. then.. she’d stay that way.  Nothing can make her live again.  We’re just moving on with our lives.  The last thing she told both of us was to move on with our lives, and we’re trying the best we can.”
 “That’s a good thing.” Hatsue said writing everything they said down on the pad.  “So since you guys knew each other when you were young . . . don’t anyone tease you, whatsoever?”
 “Some people do, like our neighbors.” Recca replied.  “They say lots of things like ‘When are you planning on getting married?’.  But then that was like years back.  When we were still about thirteen, they’d say that we were just fighting since we didn’t know what love meant, but then when we grow up we’d be together.  Lots of people expect us to be together and get married... you know.. those kinds of things?”  He was turning red.
 “And have kids, and grow old together . . . . ” Hatsue continued, smiling.
 “Yeah.” Fuuko interrupted not wanting to hear any more.  She was looking down trying to hide her reddening face.  “Yeah.  Those kinds of stuff.  And be happy.”
 “So how did you guys become together?” Hatsue asked, writing down the question she just asked.
 “You answer that.” Fuuko told Recca.  “It’s your turn.”
 “OK...” Recca began.  “Uhh.. well...” He explained what happened the past two days, detail by detail.
 “Really?” Hatsue asked scribbling every word down.  “Interesting.  So how do you feel?”
 “Great!” Both of them said together.  “Wonderful.”
 “But we can’t help feeling guilty at times because of what happened and what’s happening.  But then I’m sure she’d be happy to hear about us trying to move on.” Recca explained, squeezing Fuuko’s hand.
 “In my opinion I think both of you make such a wonderful couple because the handsomest guy here in this school, and the prettiest, one of the most popular, and sexiest girl are actually together.  Lots of guys and girls would be very jealous.”
 “That’s their problem.” Fuuko joked.  “Just kidding.”
 “Well, thanks for your time! I’m sure Yanagi would understand if she were alive.” Hatsue said.  “Bye.”
 “Yeah.” Fuuko said.  “See ya.” She grabbed her backpack and walked out of the school with Recca.

 “Remind me never to say yes to another interview ever again!” Fuuko told Recca.  The both of them went to Recca’s house to do their project together, but it looks like Fuuko’s the only one doing it.
 Recca laughed.  “I saw your face.”
 “Oh yeah?” Fuuko said narrowing her eyes.  “I saw yours.”
 Recca laughed.  He was sitting on his bed, watching Fuuko do their project on the floor.
 She looked up at him, and stared.
 “What?” Recca asked.
 “A little help here?”

 “Whoa! You guys are becoming even more popular!” Domon told them.  “Did you see the cover page of the school newspaper?” He showed it to Fuuko and Recca.
 Fuuko read the heading aloud.  “Most Compatible Couple In School!”
 “Pretty good!” Recca said.
 Fuuko handed it back to Domon, laughing out loud.  “Here you go.  Thanks for telling us.”
 “Hey Recca! Don’t you think me and Fuuko would make a better couple than you and her? I think so!” Domon stated.  “She’s hot, I’m hot.  She’s smart, I’m smart.”

"Well, I don’t.” Recca said.  “Whatever Ishijima!” He leaned forward and kissed Fuuko on the lips.  “Let’s all go have dinner at my house.  What do you say?”
“Sounds good to me.” Fuuko grinned. “Wanna come, Domon?”
The both of them walked hand in hand out of the school, with Domon and Tokiya staring back at them, mouths opened.  “Just a second!” Tokiya said.  “Did I just miss something here?”


© 2002 ReccaLovesFuukoFanfics by Yuki Okudera
who, under the pen name Fuuko Hanabishi.  All rights reserved.