Melodies of Harmony (Final version II)
By Yoyo Yuyu
Yuyu's words:

Read this story after you had finished reading Neon's and Kurei's. Words in white were Neon's and Kurei's memories. Words in pink were Neon's memories and words in red were Kurei's memories.

Thanks, God! That I have met you. All I want to say it:

" WO AI NI ! ( I Love You !)"

Kurei remember what Neon wrote to him.

" WO AI NI ! ( I Love You !)"

" WO AI NI ! ( I Love You !)"

He hoped to hear her voice saying it.

" WO AI NI ! ( I Love You !)"

Will I find her back after hurting her?

Will she forgive me?

" WO AI NI ! ( I Love You !)"

This time. It's my turn to say to her.


Thanks, God! That I have met you. All I want to say it:

" WO AI NI ! ( I Love You !)"

Will Kurei laughed at me?

Cause he got Kurenai with him already.

Will he be happy that he need not to see me again?

Will he be happy with Kurenai?

" WO AI NI ! ( I Love You !)"

Maybe that's the last chance to say it out.

The only sentence she kept deep in her heart.

Kurei was busy thinking of Neon.

Her smiles and her everything.

"Look at Kurei. He was thinking of Neon again since she left." Joker said to Koganei who was standing next to him.

They were travelling by sea to the little church where Neon was. And they hoped Neon was there, if not Kurei would be very upset.

"Kurei-sama. Eat something." Raiha handed Kurei's lunch to him.

"I'm not hungry." Kurei answered. He didn't feel like eating since Neon left.

"Still the same. Kurei didn't want to eat." Fuuko asked Raiha as he carried Kurei's lunch back. "He ate little. He would fall sick if he continued to."

"But.." Raiha said. He knew his master was missing Neon. Thinking of Neon again.

"Now what we can do was to pray that we could find Neon." Joker said.

"But must force Kurei to eat too. Or else before we found her, he'll be down." Recca said as he saw his brother's sad face.

"Then we had to force him to eat." Domon said.

"But how?" Mikagami said as he didn't want to see Kurei feeling down. As Kurei had mixed around with them.

"I know." Ganko said as she came along to accompany Fuuko. "Since Kurei was thinking of Neon. Why don't we use Neon?"

"...." Everyone stared at her.

"We told Kurei if he didn't want to eat his lunch, we would go back immediately." Ganko suggested. "Or do anything to stop him from seeing Neon."

"Alright, let's try." Joker said and hoped that it would work.

"Kurei-sama, eat something." Raiha said as he walked towards Kurei.

"Yeah, Kurei-niisama. Eat something." Koganei said as he was also walking to Kurei.

"I'm not hungry." Kurei answered as he didn't feel hungry at all. He was busy thinking of Neon. Thinking of the first meeting with her. Her lovely smile.

"But if you didn't finish your lunch, we decided to sail back!" Recca threatened Kurei.

"Yeah, if you want to see Neon, finish your lunch." Fuuko added.

"Please eat something, Kurei-niisama." Koganei begged as he didn't want to see Kurei's pale face.

"If you still want to find Neon, eat something." Mikagami added as he saw no reaction on Kurei's face when the others threatened him.

Neon..Neon. I want to be with her, Kurei thought.

He looked at the sad Koganei beside him and everyone. "Alright, I eat." He took the food from Raiha. "But still must continue to find her."

"Hai, Kurei-sama." Raiha answered. "Let me help you." He went over to feed Kurei who was weak.

Neon..I'm coming to fetch you.

Please wait for me, Kurei thought.

In a rose garden, Neon was busy tidying the place. Suddenly, she spotted Kurei.

"Neon, can you give me a rose?" Kurei asked Neon.

"Yes. How many do you want?" Neon answered happily.

"One." Kurei answered. As he received the rose from Neon, he said softly, "It is as beautiful as Kurenai." He smiled sweetly.

Thinking of Kurenai. Her smile and her everything.

Suddenly, he pinned the rose on Neon's hairs. "Here you are."

"AH!" Neon was shocked.

"You are a beautiful lady." Kurei added. "You are like a rose. But you know how to hide away your thorns."

Then he left Neon alone in the garden.

Wait for me, Neon

Don't leave me behind.

The first meet with Neon in the garden. Her beautiful smile.

I'll never forget.

" WO AI NI ! ( I Love You !)"

Kurei-sama, how are you now?

I'll never forget the first meet with you.

Your lovely smile... even meant for Kurenai only.

But thanks for showing to me... your gentle smile.

They were sailing closer to the Island. And all of them were praying that Neon was in the little church. If not, Kurei'll be down. Kurei was not feeling well since Neon left. The only medicine to cure his illness was Neon.

They landed the Island and they went to search for the little church. As they were closer to the church, their hearts were beating faster and faster. Hoping their prayers were being heard and granted.

"Neon!" Joker shouted and hoping to hear Neon's reply. "Neon!"

"Are you in there?" Fuuko and Domon shouted.

"Neon!" Recca, Koganei and Raiha shouted too.

But there was no reply from the church. Kurei's heart was feeling even down.

"Neon. Are you still angry with me?" Kurei shouted. "I'm sorry! Please come out!"

"Neon, please come out. Kurei-niisama was sorry." Koganei added as he saw the sad Kurei.

"Neon, please..." Koganei cried. "Neon... Kurei-niisama!" As he saw Kurei fainted, he screamed. "Kurei-niisama.."

Luckily Raiha caught the fainted Kurei before he hit the ground. "Kurei-sama, wake up." Raiha tried to wake him up. "Where's the nearest clinic?"

They rushed to the only clinic on the Island. Raiha was carrying Kurei on his back. Joker and Recca walked beside him. The rest walked close to them. Raiha knew that Kurei had not sleep well since Neon left. His master ate little foods since Neon left. And after a long journey without any rest, of course his master would fainted.


In the clinic, the doctor was shocked to see Kurei because he was the doctor who treated Neon when Kurei brought Neon here.

"What's wrong, doctor?" Raiha asked the doctor who was shocked.

"I saw him before. He carried a beautiful girl to here before." The doctor answered. "What's wrong with him?"

"He fainted. He hardly eat anything." Joker answered as he put Kurei onto the bed.

"Then do you see that beautiful girl again?" Raiha asked the doctor, hoping that the doctor knew where Neon was.

"You meant...Neon?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah, Neon." Koganei shouted. "You really saw her again? Where? Here?"

"She stayed at the old church alone." The doctor said.

"But she was not at home." Recca asked. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. Of course you can't find her at home." The doctor laughed. "At this time, she was not at home. She went to the farms to pluck flowers."

"Pluck flowers?" Fuuko and Domon said. "For what?"

"To sell them in the town market. To earn for living." The doctor laughed. "She's a nice girl."

"Neon...Neon." Kurei murmured as he sat on the bed. "You know where she was."

"Oh, you're awake, Kurei-sama." Raiha said happily.

"Go to find her, immediately." Kurei ordered Raiha and tried to stand up.

"No need. She'll be back at 1415hrs. Rest now." The doctor answered. "It's 1130hrs. You need a lot of rest." The doctor told Kurei.

"But.." Kurei murmured.

"I'll wake you up when she came home." The doctor said softly to Kurei.

"Alright." Kurei laid down to take a rest.

"Neon, what are you doing at the garden?" Raiha shouted when he spotted her.

"I'm watering the roses. They're beautiful, right?" Neon smiled.

"Yeah, a maid shall be like this way." Joker laughed. "AH! Neon. What are you doing?" He got 'watered' by Neon.

"Treat you like a rose." Raiha laughed as he saw the both of them playing in the garden.

"Yeah, you also." Joker pulled Raiha in as Neon was 'watering' him.

In the end, the three of them were like kids playing around.

Happy moments spent together with Raiha and Joker, Neon thought when she saw the roses in the farms.

How are they?, she thought.


"Flowers. Neon's still the same. Likes flowers." Raiha said when he recalled the moments spent with Neon.

"Yeah. She often 'watered' me too." Joker added and hoped to see her again.

"Have something." Domon carried their lunchs into the clinic. "So, how's Kurei?"

"He's sleeping." Raiha answered. "He had not slept well since Neon left."

"Where's the rest?" Joker asked.

"They went to the ship to rest and eat their lunch." Domon answered.

"OH, okay." Raiha answered and looked at the time. "It was 1410hrs."

"Neon'll be back soon. Let's wake Kurei-sama." Joker asked Raiha.

"Alright." Raiha answered as he was about to wake Kurei up.

"Kurei-sama." Raiha said softly. "Kurei-sama. Neon'll be back soon."

"..." Kurei opened his eyes. "Raiha. Neon?"

"She'll be back soon. Kurei-sama." Raiha answered as he was helping Kurei up.

"Neon was back. The doctor stopped her and they were coming here soon." Koganei shouted when the doctor told him to tell Kurei. "Kurei-niisama."

"I'm alright, Koganei." Kurei smiled at Koganei. "You're also tired, right?"

"I'm not." Koganei answered and went over to hug Kurei. "Kurei-niisama."

Yuyu's words:

What's her reaction when Neon saw Kurei? Will it be too late? Check it out in (Melodies of Harmony Final-version III).. Please email me at for giving comments. Thanx ^_^